12 facts about the domestic cat purr

The Purr

Here are a dozen succinct facts about the domestic cat purr. The text is deliberately ‘tight’ so that you can get through it fast. There are more articles on the cat purr at the base of the page for more extensive reading. Domestic cats purr under a number of circumstances: when content, when injured, …

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Purring reduces pain in cats. Discuss.

Cats purr at the vets sometimes. Is it to calm them and reduce pain?

Science indicates that purring can reduce pain in cats which is probably one of its purposes. Some scientists think that one reason for purring is that it heals the cat. The reasons why a domestic cat purrs is still under discussion but the best answer I have is provided by Dr Desmond Morris in …

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Why some cats don’t purr

Clouded leopard purring

The common sense reason why some domestic cats don’t purr is because they just don’t. It will be rare but it is distinctly possible. Feline purring is not an automatic or 100% guaranteed behavioural trait. THERE ARE SOME PAGES ON CAT PURRING BELOW THIS POST…. Some cats don’t meow or they hardly meow. I …

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The real reason why cats purr

To purr is feline

You can work out the real reason why domestic cats purr by observing when they do it. There was a time when people believed that the purr simply meant that their cat was contented. But there’s more to it than that. Thanks to the repeated observation of domestic cat behaviour we know that cats …

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What is physically happening inside a cat when he purrs? Does the cat choose when to purr?

Cat purring in contentment

At one time, in the long distant past, there was a theory that the cat’s voicebox had nothing whatsoever to do with purring. Experts argued that it was to do with the cat’s blood flowing through her veins into the heart creating turbulence. The diaphragm amplified the vibrations it was thought. The theory seems …

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Do cats purr with other cats? Or do they purr only with humans?

Contented cat

Do cats purr with other cats? Or do they purr only with humans? I’ll get straight to the point: domestic cats do purr when not in the presence of humans and some wild cat species purr too. We normally associate the domestic cat purr with interactions between cats and humans because that’s when we …

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