Pros and cons of an online policy which bans animal abuse videos and pictures

Banning animal abuse videos and images: pros and cons

The consensus is that animal abuse videos and pictures should be banned across the Internet. That’s what we find. The big social media websites such as Facebook enforce an across-the-board ban of animal abuse videos and pictures. And you will find that businesses which host millions of websites strictly prohibit animal abuse videos and …

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‘Us in another universe’ cat video captures the imagination of people seeking friendship, love and peace

Us in another universe cat video

This TikTok video has captured the imagination of people. It’s been seen millions of times and there are tens of thousands of comments and 9.6 million likes. It makes some people cry. Why? Because they want peace, love and friendship and looking at the world today, they don’t see it. They see too much …

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Do animal advocates have to hate kitten exploitation videos?

Do animal advocates have to hate kitten exploitation videos?

I’m delving into an impossibly tricky area of amateur philosophy: do animal advocates have to hate kitten exploitation videos? There are so many ‘funny cat videos’ featuring oh so cute kittens on social media that they’ve become a way of modern life. PETA would call them animal abuse. No doubt about it. And I …

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The Fennec Cat

Fennec cat

I bet you’ve never seen a FENNEC CAT before! Here it is courtesy TikTok. This is what a fennec tabby cat would look like if such a species of animal existed. But they don’t. The video is evidence of the amazingly accurate ‘filter’ video editing technology developed by TikTok. Yes, to be clear to …

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On Twitter when you search for the word “cat” you get a cat in a blender

The downward spiral on Twitter (alleged)

In this video, you see a commentator on Twitter (I do not know who he is) criticising Elon Musk for making things worse on that social media platform since he bought it. The man says that Musk go rid of 90% of Twitter employees which I think is incorrect and an exaggeration and in …

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Famous viral video of pianist and his cat is a FAKE

Fake - he is not making the music we hear

You might know this cat video. It shows a male pianist playing a nice piece of classical piano music. The cat is on his lap with their paws on the keyboard. The cat has a great relationship with the man which is very apparent. It went viral some time ago and has probably been …

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Man who put his cat in a blender video jumped

Xu Zhi Hui

This is a disturbing and confusing story but I have gradually unravelled it since posting this page. And the wording of the title I have used for this post is confusing as well. It is taken from Twitter. Please read the whole page as the end is important – I tracked down the man …

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Cat jumps on imam during prayers at Ramadan and he carries on as normal

Cat sits on imam's shoulder while he delivers prayers

This is what I and anyone else would expect but it would not happen in a Christian church would it? I’ve seen cats at Chrisitan churches but not on a priest’s shoulders during a service! It is not uncommon for domestic cats to live in mosques. And clearly this imam is a cat lover …

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