People lack a conscience when they abandon their cat. Always rehome.

One of the abandoned cats

I don’t know how people can abandon their cat either to a shelter or at the side of a road. Or perhaps they move home and leave their cat behind sometimes locked inside the home remarkably. These people cannot have a conscience. What is a conscience? Is a mental process in which you measure …

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1000 domestic cats abandoned on Koh Phi Phi

Phi Phi's abandoned cats

NEWS AND COMMENT-KOH PHI PHI, THAILAND: Over 1,000 domestic cats have been abandoned by their owners on Koh Phi Phi which is a collection of islands, and a part of Thailand, between the large island of Phuket and the Straits of Malacca. Thailand is dependent on tourism which represent 21.9% of its GDP. During …

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District Attorney says charges won’t be filed in cat hoarding case out of Davidson County, NC

Cat hoarder's house

The cat hoarding tragedy coming out of northern Davidson County, North Carolina this week is the stuff of nightmares. I’m hoping the comments will carry this article because there are a lot of assumptions going around on social media. Photo courtesy Isabell Sforza Here’s what we know for sure. Deputies deputies found a “number …

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What are professional animal trapping companies doing with the cats they trap?

Trapped cat - feral? Stray? Or Domestic?

What are professional animal trapping companies doing with the cats they trap? After following several cases of cats ‘disappearing’ after being trapped, I thought this a good discussion article. What’s happening in NC and SC (and most likely other states as well) There will always be people who don’t like cats and don’t want …

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Sad picture of abandoned, cute lion cub in small cage in field with cut nose

Sad picture of lion cub in a cage in a field, abandoned

An online petition shows a picture of a cute lion cub in a small cage left abandoned in field and the headline is “Abandoned Lion Cub Found in a Cage – Find His Captors!”. The goal is 35,000 supporters of the petition and at the time of writing this article 30,576 have signed it. …

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Make a formal complaint to the Munroe, North Carolina police over the abandonment of a cat named Samson

Make a complaint to Monroe Police to force them to take action in cat cruelty case

Making a complaint to the Munroe Police Department in North Carolina is reasonable in this instance….Let’s do it… You may have read Elisa’s article about the abandonment of a cat called Samson. The woman who abandoned the cat made an “implied admission” in correspondence online that she abandoned her cat. That admission is clear …

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Medical 911: Monroe cat running out of time after being abandoned for urinating on the floor


A search is being conducted in the Monroe, North Carolina area for a cat named Samson. This ginger beauty, who is eleven years old and suffers from life-threatening kidney issues, was dumped by his owner for urinating on the floor at his home. His former owner is blaming a rescue for not answering the …

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Family leaves a cat they’ve cared for (along with her nursing kittens) behind when they move out of state

A very distressing cat rescue took place earlier this week in Monroe, North Carolina. The situation has drawn a lot of criticism on how a family who was moving decided to leave a mother cat and her kittens behind. The family had been feeding the cat but claims the cat and her kittens didn’t …

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