Football manager brings dog to training ground and players love it. Discuss.

Arteta and 'Win'

The recent British football news is that the manager of Arsenal Football Club, Mikel Arteta, is bringing an employee’s chocolate Labrador to the training ground to improve the mood and lower the stress levels. He realised that the appropriately named dog (Win) would help them win. As it happens the team is ‘bottling it’ …

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Demi Moore poses in an itty-bitty leopard print bikini with her itty-bitty Chihuahua

Demi Moore and Pilaf

Demi Moore thinks that her Chihuahua, Pilaf, is very close to the world’s shortest dog record. She measures her sweet little dog using a $100 bill as you can see in the photograph. Celebrities like toy dogs as they can are able to accessorize their appearance with a cute pet. They can put their …

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“My neighbour’s dogs keep attacking my cats, is there anything I can do?”

Neighbour's dogs repeatedly escape neighbour's yard and attacks a man's cats

The question is on a social media website. The person who posted it says that his neighbour has some big dogs and has a backyard but he doesn’t have a lock on the gate. Sometimes the dogs open the gate. His cats are indoor/outdoor cats. The dogs have attacked his cats a few times. …

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Volunteer ‘steals’ well-behaved shelter animal to save his life as he was listed to be ‘euthanized’

Goofy 'Pursuit' with one of his toys

NEWS AND OPINION. This is an opinion piece based upon a good news story from the viewpoint of an animal advocate. In fact, perhaps from the viewpoint of anybody who likes to see fair play, justice and the humane treatment of animals and particularly shelter animals. I have to say, that this story is …

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Osama bin Laden forced his son Omar bin Laden to fire AK-47s at his dogs

Omar bin Laden

NEWS AND OPINION: This may interest people as it provides an insight into the behaviour of perhaps the world’s best-known, now deceased, terrorist, Osama bin Laden. He had 20-26 children! Omar bin Laden is the fourth eldest son, I am told. He is a painter and apparently, he sells is works for $8,500 a …

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