Can you fall out of love with your cat?

You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling with your cat. It’s worse. You dislike your cat. It’s actually worse than that; you wish your cat was dead. She’s become old and ill. There’s the vet’s bill. It can get expensive looking after an old cat with a chronic and incurable illness. You’re busy and you now …

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Spoiling Kitties: The Ultimate Cat Furniture

Cat furniture picture

When it comes to giving our cats top notch care – at least in this writer’s opinion – pampering and “spoiling” them ranks high on a kitty guardian’s job description.

But before you disagree and get your hackles up let me be perfectly clear; I am not referring to always giving into their desires; some of their requests may be neither safe nor appropriate for them.

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Thames Floods Feb 2014 (think of the cats)

Just a quick note about the Thames flooding. Here are a couple of snapshots taken yesterday evening of the Thames about a 15 minutes walk from where I live. They were taken with an iPhone. I live in Ham which is near Richmond Park. The Thames always looks awesome and beautiful but it can …

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Pro Declaws in Denial

Since joining the anti declaw ranks I have been called many things including crazy and had quite a few threats too, but I had never been called a stalker before I commented on a heated debate on a facebook page! It amazed me to see how far pro declaws will go to justify their …

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PoC – Pictures of Cats and Protectors of Cats too

Following on from Elisa’s story about brave Joey who went down a well to rescue a cat: we have discovered brave people in our PoC family too and now ‘Pictures of Cats’ has the sub title ‘Protectors of Cats’. In alphabetical order, because each feat of bravery was of equal importance to the animals …

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Fancy Feline Haircuts

Uhmm, we had painted cats. We have lion cuts. Now we have something between the two: fancy feline haircuts. My first thought was: are these genuine? Are they another example of clever Photoshop editing? Years ago, for a while, people were fooled into believing that “painted cats” were actually painted cats! There were not …

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Difference between false cat aggression and real aggression

There is a difference between cats playing with people and grabbing their finger with their claws or biting their hand or whatever and genuine aggression towards a person. In play, there can be apparent aggression towards a person, usually the cat’s owner. By contrast, there are occasions when a cat will genuinely be aggressive …

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PoC Ten Commandments

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra This article was inspired by Dee, who wrote on another article: ‘Which POC commandment number should we make? Support only small, local, or individual charities? Right under #1? Thou shalt not declaw?’ Thousands of years ago cats agreed to become domesticated. In those days it was a case of give …

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