Cat owners are more attached to their cat when they live with another person than when living alone

Research into loneliness and cat and dog ownership among single women in 1994 made an interesting finding. I’ll quote from the document that I am referring to: “…That cat owners living with others should be significantly more attached to their pet than those living alone, however, is curious.” The scientists found that if a …

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Domestic cats are also victims in domestic abuse situations

Domestic violence and companion animals

I recently wrote about the introduction of new legislation in Scotland which made abusing pets, and threatening to abuse them, in domestic violence situations an act of domestic abuse. It leads nicely to a discussion about the status of companion animals in households where there is domestic violence and abuse. Law Prioritises People In …

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Protecting victims and their companion animals in domestic violence situations – PAWS

Domestic violence and companion animals

The Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act aims to protect domestic violence survivors and their companion animals. “When a woman who has been victimised makes a decision to protect a beloved pet, she is not a victim, and that’s important” “No one should have to make the choice between finding safety and staying in …

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Arrogant, insensitive man insists his girlfriend gets rid of her 3 cats before they live together

He hates cats and I love cats

Intro: This is not a hard news article. It is an opinion article and a comment on the news. These sorts of articles are commonplace in hard copy newspapers. The story is accurately reported from other news media. I have just added my thoughts. The title sums it up and the general consensus is …

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Cat owner’s mother-in-law goes crazy and injures her cat

This mother-in-law was a danger to cats

As a cat owner, have you had problems with your mother-in-law regarding your cats? This woman certainly did. While her husband went through military training in eastern America, her husband’s parents asked if she would like to live with them as a guest until her husband’s return in December. She agreed partly because she …

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When couples argue their cat might become anxious

Arguing can make a cat anxious

It is clear to me that in a home where the occupants don’t get along and argue a lot, their cat may become anxious and unsettled unless measures are taken to reassure him/her. It is very important that a domestic cat lives in a supportive, friendly, quiet and reassuring environment. This is just like …

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