African wildlife more frightened of humans than big predators like lions

African waterhole and animals where they fear humans more than lions

I’ve always thought this but now a study confirms it. The typical wildlife, including large animals such as zebra and impala, that drink at waterholes in Africa are more likely to flee when they hear the faintest human conversation than when they hear the sounds of the most dreaded predators in Africa. Clearly, these …

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Increase in human allergies inc. asthma – reason? – children allergic to cats – spread of cat/dog allergen – environment – lifestyle

Allergens and allergies

A Guardian article online interests me because an allergy to cats affects around 10% of people (is this an underestimate?). The conclusion of the Guardian article is that more and more of us are suffering from allergies. Medicines are struggling to keep up. Theresa MacPhail completed a monumental task of looking at the development …

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Greta Thunberg calls for a system-wide transformation to society to stop global warming

Greta Thunberg in the words she has used about the need to change society and the capitalist model

This topic is so big that it supersedes everything else including any discussions on cats. Climate change affects everybody and everything to the point where discussions about cat breeds and cat behaviour become meaningless. Greta Thunberg is expanding her campaigning to what she sees as the root cause of climate change; humankind’s capitalist system, …

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What is the ‘carbon dioxide equivalent’ of a domestic cat?

Carbon dioxide equivalent of a domestic cat

The experts say that you should refer to “carbon dioxide equivalent” (CO2e) when discussing carbon footprints. This refers to the measurement of how much gas contributes to global warming relative to carbon dioxide. Are you interested in that? Here’s a bit more: you calculate the carbon dioxide equivalent of a quantity of gas by …

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