Cats are the only true sadists of the animal world. Discuss

“Cats are the only true sadists of the animal world”, so says a person who is highly educated (he has a PhD) and who is one of New Zealand’s top economists. I think he should stick to economics. He has let his dislike of cats colour his judgment rather badly. He is Dr. Gareth …

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Animal Shelter Spaying and Neutering

Is there a danger of your cat being infected with a contagious disease when attending an animal shelter for low cost spaying or neutering operations? And if so, how big is the risk? Is it bigger than at a vet’s clinic? I really don’t know the answer but it could be relevant to decision …

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Cat meows loudly at night and other questions

I’ll respond to the question in the title and four others. 1. Why does my cat meow loudly twice at night? This is another typical question from a cat owner. The fact that a cat meows “twice” is irrelevant really. This is more about a cat meowing at night when people are asleep or …

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The Stray Cat Debate

This is another post, a shortish one, based on the research carried out by the lady who managed the Kitty Cam project. Some interesting information came out of this project on risks taken by free roaming cats and the hunting behavior of well cared for domestic cats. As part of the project, the people …

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