Difference between domestic kittens and bobcat kittens

Domestic kitten versus bobcat kitten in appearance

There is a bit of concern over the difference between normal domestic kittens, the offspring of a house cat, and bobcat kittens because in America it is possible to bump into bobcat kittens and mistake them for ordinary kittens. It can happen as evidenced by a story two years ago from Texas. Three people …

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Will bobcats attack humans?


Barring a bobcat suffering from rabies or a bobcat under certain extreme or unusual circumstances, there are no statistics, records or descriptions of bobcats deliberately attacking humans that I can find. I am almost certain that the stats don’t exist which means that bobcats don’t attack humans. This is unsurprising as, in general, humans …

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Can bobcats kill you?


I also asked Google if a bobcat had ever killed anyone? If someone had been killed by a bobcat and it was reported Google would have found the record. There is no record of a bobcat killing a person. I have checked in an excellent and detailed book, Wild Cats Of The World, as …

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