Japan’s 2 wild cat species (infographic)

Japan’s 2 wild cat species in an infographic

Japan has 2 wild cat species. Both small and both actually designated subspecies of the Asiatic leopard cat. You might find some discussions about whether they are indeed subspecies of the Asiatic leopard cat (aka Asian leopard cat or simply ‘leopard cat’). As the infographic states they are both critically endangered as per the …

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Iriomote cat facts and reasons why it is endangered (2022)

Iriomote cat. Photo: C. Allan Morgan.

Taxonomy Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Felidae Genus Prionailurus Species P. bengalensis Sub-species (ssp) iriomotensis Scientific name: Prionailurus bengalensis ssp. iriomotensis Japanese name: Iriomote-Yamaneko Description The house cat sized Iriomote cat is a subspecies of the leopard cat (sometimes referred to as the Asian Leopard Cat) and with …

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In Borneo, the marbled cat and leopard cat are active at different times to minimize competition

Asiatic leopard cat

A study aimed at improving the conservation of species on the island of Borneo found that the marbled cat and leopard cat are active at different times. These are similar small wild cat species. They found, with the use of camera traps, that leopard cats are ‘strongly nocturnal’ meaning that they are active at …

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What do leopard cats sound like?

Leopard cat

On paper leopard cats make a range of sounds which are similiar to those of domestic cats such as the purr, meow, spit, hiss and growl. But here is the thing: their versions of these sounds are not the same. The nice camera trap video below illustrates the point. Leopard cats growl. Domestic cats …

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Do Asian leopard cats purr?

Asiatic leopard cat

Yes, the leopard cat or Asiatic leopard cat purrs. The vocal repertoire of this small wild cat includes the typical growl, hiss, spit, meow, purr and gurgle. However the leopard cat’s versions of these typical (except for the gurgle) domestic cat sounds are different to the ones with which we are familiar. They always …

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