Pictures of Siberian Tiger Cubs

Siberian tiger cubs septuplets born in captivity

Here are a couple of fantastic pictures of Siberian tiger cubs taken in a zoo in south-west China. They are septuplets. The mother gave birth to her seven cubs on the 10th May 2017. China is trying to increase the number of Siberian tigers. All the remaining tiger subspecies are endangered. Some subspecies extinct …

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Cub Petting Operators Do Nasty Things to Tiger Cubs

“Cub Petting” is about making a lot of money from customers who want to pay for the pleasure of cuddling and petting a lion or tiger cub. The operators of these businesses are inherently unethical in their behavior. It is worse than that. I explain what I mean below. The operators are inherently unethical …

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Three Tiger Temple Buddhist Monks Charged: Allegedly Attempting to Smuggle Tiger Skins and Parts

Merriam-Webster defines “Sanctuary” as, “A place where someone or something is protected or given shelter: the protection that is provided by a safe place.” However, according to NBC News, Tiger Temple, a supposed sanctuary located west of Bangkok, Thailand is far from safe and is not protecting this highly endangered species. In fact, the …

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Dead tiger cubs found in a freezer at Thailand Tiger Temple

Tiger Temple HORROR: Rotting corpses of 40 cubs found in freezer in Thai tourist hotpot You may have heard of the Tiger Temple in Thailand (in Kanchanaburi province west of Bangkok), run by Buddhist monks. It was a great tourist attraction for Westerners. Tourists could cuddle up to allegedly drugged tigers and take a …

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Government Plans to Seize All Tigers From Thailand’s Cruel Tiger Temple

The now famous Tiger Temple is a Theravada Buddhist temple in western Thailand. It was founded in 1994. A tourist site states that there are 167 tigers there. It is run by buddhist monks. It looks totally kosher. Monks and tigers make a nice combination. It can only be a good thing, it appears. It …

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USA: Captive Wild Cat Crisis

There is the bizarre phenomenon of an excess of captive wild cats in the USA and a decreasing number of wild cat species in the wild in Asia and other parts of the world. Perhaps it is not bizarre but simply a symptom of human meddling. We know that there are too many domestic …

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