by Gail
(Boston, USA)
Happy Cat on his catio - photo courtesy Catio Showcase
While searching for some uplifting cat news this morning, I happened to come across an email from the Care2 Healthy & Green Newsletter. Within that newsletter came a wonderful website which shows how easy it is to build a "catio" for one's feline companion to enjoy all that is outdoor while still being safe.
For those of us who live in areas too unsafe for cats to be indoor/outdoor felines, or in countries where cats are killed for sport (see the Ugandan story), this seems like the perfect alternative. Credit is also given for the photo, which is also from the Catio Showcase website.
What do you think?
See: Catio Showcase
Hi Gail... I for one love catios although I had never heard of them until you told me!
I am a firm advocate of cat enclosures as the best compromise in the modern world for a cat to get a near normal and natural life while remaining safe.
Finn Frode is building one at his new home. Ruth and Babz have built one. I would love to build one and when I get the opportunity (freehold property) will do so.
Thanks for showing us the catio.