Cats are emotionally stronger than people. Discuss

Cats are emotionally stronger than people

Cats are emotional stronger than people. How do I know? I don’t know for sure but I know my cat. Today, I went to him. He was on the bed. I knelt down beside the bed and put my head near him and whispered. He licked my forehead and turned away. I said, “I wish you knew how much I need you right now”. He started to groom himself. Of course, he was unconcerned. He was confronted with a human issue.

At a time when we particularly need the companionship of our cat, he/she does not realise it. Sometimes, emotionally we need our cat more than they will ever realise. Practically, cats need us. We provide the essentials: food, warmth and protection. Emotionally we need them. Emotionally, a cat does not need us in the same way a person might need the company of a cat or another person. That is not to say that cats don’t like or benefit from an emotional connection with people.

I believe that people are more needy emotionally than the domestic cat. People need emotional support. They need it constantly. This comes from the attention of others. Usually a human provides the attention, the interaction. The requirement for emotional support is part of what the human needs to live rather than exist.

Our cat does not have this emotional vulnerability. Of course, a cat feels emotion. We know that. The domestic cat has become far more sociable. He can live in groups, satisfactorily, where he/she can make friendships with other cats.

There is no doubt that there is an emotional content within a cat-to-cat friendship. However, the cat will, in general, cope better than a person when called upon to live alone after being part of a friendly group. The cat endures more stoically under conditions of emotional stress. This may be because a cat has a smaller range and/or depth of emotion(s) compared to people.

As mentioned, I am not sure that what I write is true. It feels true. It is likely to be true because despite developing into a sociable animal, the cat retains the emotional strength of a solitary animal who hunts, eats and sleeps alone. This is the background, the ancestry. It makes the cat emotionally tougher than the human.

13 thoughts on “Cats are emotionally stronger than people. Discuss”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. i think all cats have a deep emotional attachement to us esp when we have bonded so well. Its very hard to say goodbye to a cat that as always been there for us and then theres an empty void. Im just thankful that all animals know that bond well at least i hope so.

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