Cats as “starter children”. The biggest worry is consistency of pet poop! conducted a survey with 2000 pet owning participants (April 2021). I believe they were Americans but we are not told. The findings are interesting if not – in the case of one statistic – a bit shocking.

Here they are:

  • 61% said that they considered their pet to be their child. This is not unusual at all but the following information is.
  • 40% of pet owners said that they acquired their “fur baby” as a “starter child” as a kind of test for them to see if they were able to care for their cat or dog properly and were therefore ready to look after a child properly. Comment: I find it a bit unsettling to know that in 40% of households in America the cat or dog is only there to test the owner’s parenting skills! Although it is not that bad as the pet is very well treated and cared for.
  • So, what’s the big worry for pet owners in America? All three are about pet poop one way or the other!
  • 47% said that they had mini-panics about their pet’s bowel movements and whether they were regular or irregular.
  • 47% were concerned whether their cat or dog were eating normally i.e. a normal amount and;
  • 46% said that they were concerned about their pet’s poop and whether it was of the usual consistency.
  • And unsurprisingly 59% were aware that their cat’s poop is a good indicator of their digestive health. Comment: I would say that it is also an indicator of their general health to a certain extent in any case.
  • 58% wanted to take care of their pet as best as possible because they were part of the family.
  • 29% threw birthday parties for their pet.
  • 24% had them wearing matching outfits.
  • 21% had their pets watching shows (on television?) while they watch them.
  • 41% celebrated either Mother’s Day or Father’s Day with their pet.
  • 40% of the respondents said that they took their cat or dog to the veterinarian as much as they took their child to the doctor. Thus indicating very much that they treat their cat or dog as a true member of the family.

What I take from this survey? Cats and dogs are often child substitutes much to the chagrin of Pope Francis who wants Italian couples to have real lids not animal substitutes.

RELATED: Human-companion animal partnerships substituting conventional relationships

They are treated as children very often which is a little bit dodgy because you might have disappointed expectations. That is about expectation management which is so vital in looking after a cat or dog properly. It comes back to my idea of respecting the cat as a cat (not anthropomorphizing the cat). Set against that, it is charming and nice to know that people care for their cat or dog to the same level as a little human. Perhaps overall to regard you pet as a little human is a good thing as it ensures a good level of caregiving with one exception: a failure to create pet friendly environment for indoor cats.

RELATED: Ricky Gervais calls Pope Francis ‘stupid’ when he said people are selfish in preferring companion animals over children

And I suspect that a spin-off from treating cats and dogs as little humans is the reason why they are so often kept indoors nowadays in America where I’m told 63% of cats are full-time indoor cats according to a study which I just read. That may be an exaggeration but the percentage is probably in between 40% and 60%. There is a great concern about providing security and safety for companion animals, much more so than in the not too distant past.

In my honest opinion, there needs to be an enhanced concern about how to ensure that their indoor environment is as enriched as possible which means as mentally stimulating as possible. This is not happening.

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