Cats at risk and children from Peloton treadmill

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission have warned parents and pet owners to stop using Peloton running machines because they pose a “serious risk” in homes. The warning specifically concerns Peloton’s Tread+ exercise machine. There have been 39 incidents including one death. I have seen cats accompanying their owners on these machines in videos on the Internet. I can see the danger. There is a distinct danger in fact for children and companion animals. Some examples may help to understand this.

Boy's hands trapped under Peleton Tread+ treadmill
Boy’s hands trapped under Peleton Tread+ treadmill. Screenshot

The above-mentioned commission have a video on YouTube which shows a child being pulled under a machine (see below). The incident is captured on a security camera. A girl is walking on the treadmill while a boy places a ball at the rear end of the track. It seems that the boy wanted the moving track to spin the ball while he held it in his hands. The boy slips and the ball is pulled under the machine. His hands become trapped beneath it….


Further, there was a tragic accident involving a child resulting in their death. The company’s founder and chief executive, John Foley, warned users to store the machine out of reach of children. Comment: if he is saying that then the same would apply, I would suggest, to companion animals.

In another bad experience it is said that a child had suffered a brain injury when interacting with the machine. The commission reported this and it appears that the incident took place on February 3. It involved a three-year-old boy who was trapped under the Peloton Tread+. The boy was found by his father not to be breathing and without a pulse. He was resuscitated “and now has significant brain injury”.

Peloton said that they had been told by the boy’s family that he was expected to make a full recovery. There appears to be confused reporting.

Peloton are in discussions with the US regulators. There appears to be some conflict in how the matter is dealt with and disclosed. Peloton hope to make a joint announcement with the commission “about the danger of not following the warnings and safety instructions provided with the Tread+”.

Foley wanted to meet the commission but this request was seen as delaying tactics by some although this was described as unfair by Peloton. The commission has limited powers. It relies on cooperation from businesses to recall products. Sometimes it commences lawsuits. Its records indicate that treadmill accidents are common in the US. They report 22,500 injuries in 2019 of which 2000 was said to involved under-eights. We do not know how many pets have been injured if any.

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