Cats can help you get off drugs

by Michael

He had raised her from the time she was a few days old. He loved her. He named her Scruffy. He found companionship in his cat that had helped him stay clean for more than a year. He felt he was a recovering drug user.

Scruffy got caught in a barbed wire fence. She got a gash on her belly and leg. He was concerned and knew she needed professional treatment but struggled with money problems. He took Scruffy to the local Humane Society. They could help, they said, but asked for $400, which he did not have.

His mom offered to help and talked to the animal shelter requesting that they accept her payment by credit card. They declined to accept that form of payment on the phone. The staff said he could sign over Scruffy and they would take care of her and find her a new home.

He accepted with a heavy heart. He thought he was doing the right thing for his Scruffy. But she was dead several hours later; euthanised by the people who had said they would help. The injury was not life threatening. It was just of case of finding the easy route out. Killing is too easy, too routine, too accepted in some animal shelters.

He was devastated. He has to live with that for the rest of his life – how he failed his Scruffy.

You may have read this story. If not you should know that it is a true story. The shelter was the Arizona Humane Society and the man is Mr. Daniel Dockery.


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Cats can help you get off drugs

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Dec 30, 2011
by: Ruth

This is terrible !
The chances are now that Daniel Dockery will return to drug addiction with the feeling that when he was most in need he was let down…and he WAS !
He selflessly signed that cat over for her own good and it must have broken his heart to do that.
The Arizona humane society is far from humane, it is in fact a disgrace to animal rescue.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Dec 30, 2011
by: Barbara

It just doesn’t make sense, too sad to read the story, that poor man must have been devastated, why on Earth did they turn down his mother’s offer of payment, they would have been in pocket, he didn’t want to relinquish the cat only to get help for her. So, so sad. The name of the Society is an oxymoron there is nothing humane about it!

Barbara avatar

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