Cats Deserve Love

by franz
(Antipolo City, Philippines)

Some of my cats

Some of my cats

This story is all about my new kitten, "White". He's about 3 months old already now. He has a sibling named, "Snow". When White was about a month old he got so sick that i thought he would die. Maybe he was sad because i had to go somewhere for a few days and when i came back he was so weak. He doesn't want to drink milk, teary eyed, not playful, and so not in good shape. I was so worried that i took him to the vet and asked for medication, white doesn't have fever but Snow does, so Snow got antibiotic for her fever. We went home and gave them the medication that the doctor gave, a hydrating powder. But then White was still getting weaker. He stayed in bed without moving for two days and two nights.

His eyes were dilated and his nose and mouth were dry. I was crying already but still giving him the medication every 4 hours even if i will wake up in the middle of the night. On the second night that he was really sick, i prepared a paper already just in case that he would be dead the moment i will be awake during the night. But surprisingly in the morning his tiny meow awakened me. And i was so happy seeing him walking groggily. I hugged him tight and cried. It's weird but my pets are giving me so much joy.

I felt being needed. Right now i have 21 cats including few kittens. They are my source of joy right now..They sleep in my bed and we would always play around the house...I hope that people realize that cats are kind animals and they should not be scared of them. Some cats are a little violent because they've experienced being maltreated. I hope people won't try to throw tiny kittens by the bushes close to the streets cause that will surely endanger the poor kittens, don't mistreat them that way..Have a heart....Cats deserve love..


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Cats Deserve Love

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Nov 27, 2010
my cats and kittens
by: bobby

hello! I love cats and kittens, too! They do not have breeds but I really take care of them. In fact, I would buy fish for them everyday. So far I have nine cats and three kittens. One of the interestings cats is my cat with one eye. When gthe cat was still a kitten, something happened with his right eye. That's why I took him to the vet and plucked his other eye. Sometimes I call him Black Eyed Pea because he has only one eye and he's doing ok. Now I have a problem. We've moving to a smaller home and I don't know if I can accomodate all of them. I don't want to throw them because I've taken cared of them since they were kittens. But If people will adopt them, I would be very happy and I will have peace of mind. Please help me find homes for some of my cats. I think they also deserve a better place.

bobby 0928-3561415

Jul 10, 2009
sick cats

i could relate to your story i too had a sick cat one time he had been mistreated when two boys used him as a football because they thought he was ugly he had an abcess in his neck where they kicked him i force feed him with a syringe and forced water into him i was lucky i worked in a pet shop where i could take him to work with me the vet gave him a 10 0/0 chance of living well with my diligence and a concoction of malt o meal and noni juice and nutri malt mixed with kitten formula he survived i tried to hand raise kittens before that were abandoned with no sucess so i felt your pain when you thought your kitten wouldnt make it they are so loving and trusting even when their eyes arent open they would purr and cuddle up next to me it was heartbreaking when they didnt make it K

Jul 10, 2009
thanks michael
by: franz

I'm glad you enjoyed our story. Anyways, antipolo is in philippines...

Jul 09, 2009
A loving story
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

I enjoyed your story a lot. I got nervous in the middle thinking that White would die. I was very pleased he came through. You love cats. They deserve love as you say and you give plenty of it.

Thank you for sharing. I didn't know where Antipolo City was but Wikipedia told me it is in the Philippines, so I put this in the header. I hope I am correct.

It is a joy to me to receive a story from the Philippines. It is the first for this site!

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  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. A love for any animal is worthy. I believe this love and admiration for an animal is a good lesson for children. They learn how to care for a cat or dog and this extends to other living creatures. A child who is handicapped also blossoms when a cat or dog is introduced to them. It has been proven to be a therapeutic aid.

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