Cats died in their locked carriers in woods

I will add to this later (perhaps) but the picture says it all and it is hard to write about this sort of human behaviour causing such animal suffering. In happened in deep in woods in Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA. The animals were abandoned in their carriers in a wood as you see them. They starved to death. The picture is chilling. Some were in bins and bags.

“They were in locked carriers.”

Janice Lawniczak, who took pictures of the horrifying scene
This is where and how 19 companion animals - cats and dogs - were abandoned inside carriers where they starved to death.
This is where and how 19 companion animals – 18 cats and 1 dog – were abandoned inside carriers where they starved to death.

It is believed that the people who did this are Tamara Rusz and Kevin Delehanty of Butler County. We don’t have pictures.

Another picture.

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