Cats get less presents than dogs over Christmas. It’s unfair.

It’s unfair. Three-quarters of dog owners bought presents for their dog compared to 68% of cat owners according to a RSPCA survey in the UK. As expected men tend to buy presents for dogs and women buy them for cats.

Christmas kittens
Christmas kittens

As may also be expected 59% of dog owners treated their dog to some of the Christmas dinner. Forty-nine percent of cat owners did the same thing. This statistic is grounded in common sense as cats are strict carnivores and dogs are omnivores or at least very adaptable and flexible carnivores.

In fact of the 49% of cat owners who gave their cat a treat from their Christmas dinner I hope that it was a small amount and that it did not contain gravy (think onions)! Perhaps a bit of turkey is okay but it should stop there for cats.

In a French insurance company’s survey, 86% of dogs and 84% of cats received a present on Christmas Day. The French are fairer then!

I bought my cat a toy for Christmas. He has used it but not for long. Typical. I bought some king prawns for him for Christmas dinner. He loved them.

3 thoughts on “Cats get less presents than dogs over Christmas. It’s unfair.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Monty gets a present every year. He loves Christmas and gets really into it, behaving like a kitten again, if only for a short time. One year I did not get a gift for him thinking that if I just balled up some wrapping paper he would chase it. I thought he would not know the difference. But he did seem to know there was nothing for him and he was sad! Maybe I am anthropomorphizing him, but he sure seemed to know Santa had missed him that year. His first Christmas he got his stuffed Doggie, a large stuffed dog intended for a child. He loves it still and drags it around. This year he got some toys from a woman where I work who follows the Monty Chronicles on Facebook. He absolutely loved his gift and did not even mind that my mother joined us for Christmas this year.

  3. Our cats get gifts all year long. We’re going to remove some old cupboards between rooms here and put I a solid wall When it’s being framed up we plan on adding extra studding and having the person we hire help us plan a whole wall cat tree center. We’ll end up with at least an 8×8 by 1 1/2 foot deep place just for them. It looks to be cheaper and more efficient. As to gifts. Most of us that love our cats indulge them on a daily basis.

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