Cats Movie Trailer – It’s a beauty

You’ll enjoy this whether you like cats, movies or the theatre or not — because it is so good. The cast is awesome and the sets and CGI are amazing. There is no point adding words. Just enjoy it. That’s my viewpoint but since writing this I have noticed that the internet is awash with articles about the weirdness of the film. They like it but find it weird. I don’t. They also find it terrifying. Balderdash. It is not.

Cats the movie
Cats the movie. Screenshot from trailer.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats
Jennifer hudson in Cats the movie
Jennifer hudson in Cats the movie

It seems that some fans are baffled by the mysterious nature of the film. I love it. The comments on Twitter are mixed it seems to me:



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