Cats to be microchipped in Luxembourg under new law

The news that Luxembourg, a member state of the European Union (EU), is to introduce national legislation making it obligatory to micro-chip all cats indicates that the world is changing in respect of letting cats roam freely outdoors. This is possibly the first example of a nationwide law of this kind in the EU.

Outdoor cat in Luxembourg
Outdoor cat in Luxembourg

The objective is to make cat owners more responsible for the activities of their cats.

The intention is also to introduce compulsory sterilisation of all cats.

The age old problem of a small minority of irresponsible cat owners has lead to animal shelters in Luxembourg reaching capacity as some owners abandon their cats while on holiday and presumably at any other convenient moment.

Luxembourg is a very small European country at just over half a million citizens but this sort of legislation normally applies to counties or cities in the USA.

In the UK there is no discussion about this sort of legislation.

I would suspect that the online campaign against free-roaming cats especially in New Zealand and Australia and also the USA may have had an influence on the law makers of Luxembourg.

The introduction of the law was confirmed by the Luxembourg Agriculture Minister Fernand Etgen responding to a parliamentary question.

I am unable to fill this article out as I don’t have any hard information on this.

Source: Cats to be microchipped in Luxembourg

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