NEWS AND VIEWS: I was unsure what all this meant until I did a bit of research. I’m still not completely sure as the language is alien to me. The Million MAGA March was a protest march against the presidential election result by Trump supporters. The acronym MAGA stands for Make America Great Again and it was hoped that a million people marched to try and overturn the presidential election result, which stands because it was the cleanest in history according to the officials who organised it.

Proud Boys is a far right, neofascist, male-only political organisation engaging in political violence in the United States and Canada (Wikipedia). They’ve been described as a “dangerous white supremacist group”. The group deny that they are racist but the founder McInnes wants America to be white and to stop immigration of ethnic minorities.
So what has cats got to do with this story? Well, it seems that on social media, particularly Twitter, people have been introducing images of cats under the #Proudboys, #MarchForTrump and #MillionsMAGAMarch hashtags. An example is the tweet of The Horse Whisperer which you can see below. I think it’s just a way of diluting down and undermining the impact of the Proud Boys members who attended the march and hinting that they are all gay.
It would be a real shame if people used the #ProudBoys hashtag to just post pictures of cats or something.
Like these #ProudBoys
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) November 14, 2020
and this:
#ProudBoys is the hashtag to use for cat gifs.
That’s what I heard.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) November 14, 2020
I guess a lot of people dislike the Proud Boys because of their white supremacist views. They seem to be on the extreme right of the political spectrum and objectors want to undermine them. Star Trek actor George Takei might have kicked off the trend of undermining the Proud Boys support of the March by calling on young people to tweet and use TikTok as follows:
What if gay guys took pictures of themselves making out with each other or doing very gay things, then tag themselves with #ProudBoys. I bet it would mess them up real bad.
He wanted to mess up the image of Proud Boys as he objects to their existence. And the introduction of cats may have come from some people’s belief that the only men who live with cats are gay. This is obviously incorrect but fascist types and members of the alt-right tend to think this because that is the way they think. I guess they hate gays as well. According to the Proud Boys organisation the loyalty oath includes a statement which pledges not to masturbate! The masturbation policy was later modified to read: “no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in a calendar month”. Make what you want of that. It is a slightly mad world.