I have just heard on the radio that the US authorities are not going to charge Walter Palmer for the killing of Cecil the lion because his paperwork was in order.
I’ve also learnt from the BBC that this infamous US dentist who sparked an outcry, internationally, after killing Cecil, a well-known lion in Zimbabwe, will not be prosecuted in Zimbabwe either, because all his papers were in order, said Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister Mrs Oppah Muchinguri. At one time she had proclaimed to the world that the state was going to prosecute him but this appears to be a complete U-turn. I am not surprised about this and I expect that other cat lovers will be unsurprised as well.
You may remember that the minister had previously called for Mr Palmer to be extradited to face prosecution in Zimbabwe. But…..
“We approached the police and then the Prosecutor General and it turned out that Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order” so said Oppah Muchinguri.
Well, that is the disappointing update on Walter Palmer and Cecil the lion. You can read all the articles on Walter Palmer by clicking on this link.
It surprises me that the authorities in Zimbabwe did not know the law properly or did not know the facts properly before making a declaration some months ago about proceeding with prosecuting Mr Palmer. This is a complete U-turn and it will disappoint the majority of people who read the story. In fact, I’ll bet that it disappoints the majority of people generally.
Mr Palmer’s Zimbabwean guide, Theo Bronkhurst, is, however, being prosecuted and his trial is due to continue on Tuesday.
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Mugabe himself is notoriously corrupt, so it doesn’t come as any surprise that his government have no plans to prosecute Palmer.
Perhaps their decision that he did “no wrong” is partly influenced by the money these trophy hunters bring to Zimbabwe? They may have worried that prosecuting him, could have affected their future revenue by deterring other hunters from visiting.
Totally agree with you. Something is wrong and it is this: governments don’t really care about protecting wild animals. They are more concerned with back handers and making money. In general, every time we get a similar result when it comes to animal abuse. I am used to it but I find it depressing.
I’m with you, Michael: I’m massively disappointed but not surprised.
Okay then. When all the rich trophy hunters go to Africa and drive those animals to extinction those governments over there better not start crying and moaning. It’s obvious they took their pay-offs under the table and they didn’t give a damn about the wildlife.