by Elisa Black-Taylor
Tyler after charges dropped
When I began reporting on Tyler Weinman, the Miami-Dade teen charged with the mutilation of a large number of cats, I promised to follow this story through to the end. For those of you who haven't read of this horrific crime, here are the original links.
Miami-Dade Cats Found Mutilated, Gutted and Posed: Part 1
Miami-Dade Cats Found Mutilated, Gutted and Posed: Part 2
Oh November 26, 2010, Tyler Weinman was cleared of all charges in the case of multiple cat murders by mutilation which occurred earlier in the year in the Miami-Dade area (Florida). The State Attorney's Office dropped all charges when medical testimony determined the cats were killed by wild animals and not by a human.
There is also the issue of the number of cats the medical examiner in the case studied. Eight of the cats appeared to have puncture wounds that would coincide with a dog bite. But eleven other cats weren't examined and mysteriously disappeared. This leaves many cat owners in the area to wonder what became of these other cats. Why were only eight examined? And what kind of animal can tear into a cat with scalpel-like precision and then pose their dead bodies in a grotesque manner on 19 different lawns?
One of the cat owners is a registered nurse. She had the stomach to examine what was left of her poor cat and stated her cat was cut open in a precise manner using a sharp instrument. Her cat showed no signs of being killed by a wild animal. For more statements made by the owner's of the murdered cats see here. There are no graphic pictures, for those of you who can't stand to look at abused cats.
Tyler Weinman still insists on his innocence and calls himself a scapegoat for the local police. He believes they needed someone to blame and he fits the profile.
The police are still confident in the evidence they collected showing Weinman's guilt.
I'll end this here as this is where the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office has chose to end this case.
Comments anyone? Did Tyler get away with murder or was he framed by an over eager police department and a neighborhood's demand for justice?
Source other than stated above:
From Charged Against Miami-Dade Cat Killer Dropped to Articles of Eliza-Black