I don’t want to bore anyone. I’ll keep it short. If I do bore someone tell me. The experience is instructive, though. [Earlier post]
My cat, Charlie, was particularly poorly again this morning. He had not improved over the course of the antibiotic treatment so I had to conclude that the antibiotic was not working. Was it the wrong one? Sarah Hartwell advised a swab to test for the bacteria type.
I decided to take charge and requested that the vet:
- did a blood test to check for any underlying illnesses which may be reducing the effectiveness of his immune system and which caused him to get infections
- did a swab to find out what bacteria he is infected with
- did a biopsy on the mobile lump under his skin at the base of his spine. I discovered this and it is about the size of a kids marble. I don’t think it is relevant but it has to be checked out
- provide me with something to make him feel better
I took him in to the vet at around 9am and picked him up at 2pm. The vets took blood, swab and material for the biopsy and while they waited for my return “steamed him” with a vaporiser.
They also gave him an anti-inflammatory jab. This always makes him feel better because he becomes more animated and talkative. I have some more antibiotics, the same type as before (a general one) to extend the existing course and Metacam – a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) – which I am to give daily (5ml). I have to squirt it into his mouth or get it down him any old way!
I have also moved home! For a while. I have moved back in with my girlfriend with Charlie. He knows the place and is he has settled in quickly.
Here he is looking better at his new home in bed with me. The improvement might be temporary due to the anti-inflammatory. He is much better in this video.
I thought there may be the remote possibility that he has some sort of hayfever. As I work outside in the garden to my apartment I discovered there was a lot of fine pollen and other particles being shed by the trees and bushes. There is a lot more foliage where I live now compared to where I lived before and I wondered if this was causing sinusitis and/or an allergic rhinitis which in turn could be causing the bacterial infection.
That is a very long shot but I have to try everything in my power to cure him.
The tests come back next week so I’ll report back then. There it is. I have thrown some more money at this problem. This morning I was once again galvanized into action when he looked so miserable and had no desire to eat or get up.
Thanks Ruth. It helps to have support. I agree that cats don’t want people watching while toileting and also on a lead as he was yesterday. I want to recreate normality so he feels settled and relaxed to help heal himself.
Good news that Charlie has gone out, I’d have done the same as you, let him go alone, cats do hate a fuss and anyone watching them when they want to pee and poo.
Talkative and eating are good signs too, you are doing a great job with him Michael, I think things look more hopeful today.
He may have peed (it is hard to tell because he does it lying down – his 3 legs makes him do this – on the earth outside and he did it on a pile of leaves). I have let him out. He knows the place and the garden so he as gone out alone. I thought hard about this but I wanted him to do the things he normally did which was to poop and pee outside plus the movement may assist bowel movement. He is behaving fairly normally this morning at 6:30 am. He was talkative and ate breakfast (no cooked chicken). He had a decent night. No scares. I have palpated his belly and it feels normal. I gave him antibiotics and Metacam yesterday. It is a watch and wait game I feel.
Wondering how Charlie is today? His system may have slowed down from whatever sedative the vet gave him to calm him down for the tests. If he hasn’t passed anything by now though I’d phone your vets for advice, I’m sure they won’t mind and will see him if they think it’s necessary.
We are lucky that our vets have appointments on Sundays, no extra charge, maybe yours will too, but anyway there must be a vet on call.
I’m really hoping and praying Charlie is a lot better today though and on the road to recovery.
If he isn’t I really do think you should phone your vet.
Good to hear that at Least Gigi is getting along with Piki 🙂 Will Prob take a wee while while the others get used to her. Is she feeling Calmer. Yea your Ex feel exhausted travelling that far on the Train. That be like going the length from Home to Top of SOuth Island.
hi I lighted a Candle for Charle and Michael too. Yes I do believe he will recover well too. As there is always Hope.