Charlottesville Rally Undermines Animal Rights

Nathan Winograd
Nathan Winograd knows how to create a nationwide no-kill animal shelter network.
I was wondering whether the Charlottesville rally and the violence that followed in any way impacted upon the world of cats. They seemed very far apart until I received an email from Nathan Winograd. He says that the tools of democracy and the shared values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are used for the benefit of animals. I’d say that democracy fosters animal rights. It encourages people to see animals as equals.

Nathan Winograd writes this:

“The cruel and vile views of white supremacists on display and the violence against innocent people standing up to tyranny and hate are an anathema to every value I hold dear, and everything I have dedicated my life to: compassion, kindness, justice, and equality, not just for all humans, but for animals, too.”

There is a connection between Charlottesville and animals. It is the undermining of democracy. It is a reminder of the presence of the alt-right, fascists, an armed militia which shows us the ugly underbelly of America society. It is very depressing I’m sure to Nathan Winograd. He has fought for many years for animal rights and no-kill animal shelters.

He sees:

“the girders underlying our democracy and system of government, the very tools used so successfully by prior movements for greater justice under siege at and by the highest levels of our government.”

Is it fair to argue that Supremacism includes the attitude that humans (a species) is superior to and must dominate animals? That is my understanding. If I am correct Charlotesville is a worrying event for animal advocates.

2 thoughts on “Charlottesville Rally Undermines Animal Rights”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Debi Dey along with Kate Riviello a few yrs ago tried to ruin my reputation in the cat community but telling my local SPCA to not allow me to foster because they had a friend that had come into my home and said it was nasty and filthy and they had photos to prove it and that the cats in my home were all sick and I retaliated in the worst way I could by blasting them both on Kates page ‘New York Animal Rights Alliance America’,Kate and Debi made claims the person who was in my home took a lot of photos and I asked them to produce said photos but instead they went on the attack so I decided to post about Kate on and it turned out I was not the only one they targeted,both are horrible women.

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