Cheap neutering is needed to contain stray cat problem

Feral cat clinic- cats being spayed and neutered - photo by Feral Indeed! (Flickr) - Picture added by Michael (Admin)

Feral cat clinic- cats being spayed and neutered - photo by Feral Indeed! (Flickr) - Picture added by Michael (Admin)

We have a feral male in my neighborhood that I call 'scary cat'. I feel so bad for him, but he is the top cat right now.

The poor guy is scared and often has wounds from fighting.

I have decided to give him safe haven. If he is sleeping in my bushes I leave him alone. I keep fresh water out and just let him be. I leave food when we have it.

Our area is pretty poor and we have many abandoned cats.

I do not think we will ever fix the cat population unless spay and neutering becomes very cheap.

People in my area just do not have the $125.00 to have their cats done.


Cheap neutering is needed to contain stray cat problem to Feral cats

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Cheap neutering is needed to contain stray cat problem

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Feb 12, 2011 Abandoned Animals
by: Heather Sinclair

We live in an area of Europe where animals are frequently thrown out and deliberately abandoned. To date we have rescued 11 cats and 4 dogs as we live in the countryside next to a nature reserve, which is exactly the sort of place the animals are chucked out and left, next to the rubbish bins to fend for themselves.
One female kitten and two very young dogs we actually got, alive, from the rubbish bins.
So yes we would like the money to have them all desexed, but cannot afford to do so.
It's tragic.

Jan 25, 2011 De sexing
by: Heather

Two kittens were dumped out side our home a couple of months ago, we well in love with them and now they are part of our family, but they are both girls and there is ferral tom about, we would like to have them desexed but at a cost of $600.00, that is out of my budget, does anyone have any idea where I could get these two girls desexed at a reasonable rate. Hobart area


Jul 30, 2010 CALL SPAY USA!!!!
by: Susan

PLEASE CALL SPAY USA to find out the closest low cost spay/neuter clinic to you & where you can get a voucher to help you pay for his surgery - sounds like your whole city needs this information, please pass it along!

Here is their info:

"Millions of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized each year in the U.S. because there simply are not enough homes for them all...

...we’re working to change that.
SPAY/USA, a program of North Shore Animal League America, is a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services.

Our mission is to end the suffering of innocent dogs and cats by reducing the number of unwanted births. Anyone who needs assistance finding affordable spay/neuter services can benefit by using the SPAY/USA referral service.

We also work with individuals who want to set up programs in their own area to help those in need. Spay/neuter services should be within reach - geographically and financially - for everyone who has a cat or dog.

SPAY/USA has over 1,000 sterilization programs and clinics nationwide with 7,000 excellent veterinarians in the network as of 2003. Our goal is to make spay/neuter services affordable to those who might not otherwise spay/neuter their pets. By working together, we hope to popularize and facilitate spay/neuter services throughout the country and end pet overpopulation.

Help us end pet overpopulation!
Call us toll-free at 1-800-248-SPAY (1-800-248-7729). Our phone counselors are available Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST"

Jul 29, 2010 Something has to change
by: Joyce Sammons

I've got my new site up and running. I'm taking a lot of critisism for this page . This lady tries to find homes for pets on death row. The animals I've placed on this page serve as a reminder that shelter animals are beautiful and don't deserve to die. There are several animals on this page that didn't get rescued. The crossposters put out desperate please and are literally the "governors call" for stopping an execution.

I've aimed this site at teens as this has to stop with this generation. People have to learn their pets will die if we don't take care of them or let them reproduce. Kids need to teach the parents if that's what it gonna take. If I offended anyone with this page well that's just too bad. I will be continuously adding photos to this page and Cathy crossposts on my Facebook page as well.

Jul 29, 2010 Cats Are Not The Problem
by: Merrily

Last night a neighbor stopped by, and made a comment that he had just taken his most recent litter of kittens to the "Animal Shelter" he had waited until they could eat by themselves. He feeds feral cats, none of which are spayed or neutered, so there are kittens.....lots of kittens.
We all know that the "Animal Shelter" is not a safe haven for these kittens, and they will be euthanized along with thousands of others this week.
In our conversation he told me that a group will now provide a cage, pick up any cats that are in need of being spayed or neutered, do the surgery, and return the cats free of herein lies the problem, it is not always the cost, but the fact that it is just too much trouble to help the cats even if it is free!
This morning "Silver Boy" showed up, I hadn't seen him for months. He is a magnficent long haired cat who has sired most of the kittens in the neighborhood. He was owned by a couple of drug addicts, who have since moved away, hopefully we can trap and neuter him. He knows he can always find a meal here, but he needs a real home, where he can be loved.
Untill people decide that it is important to care for these cats, and to do something about the thousand of kittens who are brought into this world with no one to care for them, the problem will continue.
Today people pick up a kitten or pupply like a cheap CD.... if they don't like it they can just get rid of it, and get another, no big problem
Even though we try, there are not enough of us to save them all, it just breaks my heart.

Jul 29, 2010 Hi
by: Michael

Thanks for popping by. I have just this minute published another post by another person on the same subject.

Cheap and comprehensive TNR is needed across America it seems to manage and reduce the feral and stray cat problem.

Small charities do great work but more is needed to get to grips with the problem. Plus education. It seems that far to many people simply abandon their cats and/or don't neuter them and let them breed.

It sounds crazy.

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