Cheshire Cat Car Mat

Cheshire Cat Car Mat

by Michael
(London, UK)

I had no idea that there was such a thing as a Cheshire cat car mat. I had not thought that a car mat could be so pleasantly customised for a cat lover. Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire cat is very popular all over the world. This grinning cat is found on all manner of objects including mugs (of course!).

Unfortunately, I sold my car about 3 years ago! But if I had one I would definitely consider getting a Cheshire cat car mat.

Here are some Amazonian ones…
for the North American market:

What I particularly like about these mats is that the words are, “We’re all MAD Here!” Quite often I tend to think that has a ring of truth about it.

Sadly, these mats are not available on the UK branch of Amazon – typical.

There are a few of other pages on the Cheshire cat on PoC. One is about cat desktop wallpapers that includes a Cheshire cat and the others are about Cheshire cat mugs and finally Cheshire cat plush toy.

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Cheshire Cat Car Mat to Domestic Cat Breeds

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Cheshire Cat Car Mat

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Dec 20, 2010
by: Leah (England)

Thats such a shame! I’ve always loved the magic of Alice in wonderland particularly the Cheshire cat!

If they were available in England I would definately add it to my Christmas present list!

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