Concerned with dogs left out in the cold, volunteers showed up at the Chester County Animal Shelter on Monday to check on the dogs under the care of the shelter. Officers with the Chester County Sheriff’s Office showed up as well. Since the Chester, South Carolina shelter was closed for the holiday, the volunteers were told to leave or they’d be placed under arrest.

The volunteers weren’t allowed to go to the bottom shelter, which was described in an interview with Fox46 News as “really, really dilapidated.” They were forced to leave without helping a single dog. Instead of the dogs having a blanket or straw to attempt to keep warm in below freezing temperatures, they spent the night in the dangerous cold.

Above is a chart showing how different size breeds adapt to cold weather. I would think cats would be in the same category as small breed dogs. No mention is made as to how cold the cat room(s) are kept.
Volunteer Diana Holcomb told Fox 46 News
“We weren’t allowed to go to the bottom shelter and that’s the really, really bad building that is just, I wouldn’t put cows in it. You’ve got an army of people willing to help and peoples whose fears would be calmed if they were allowed to go in and see, yes these dogs are ok.”
Please take the time to watch the video below. It’s from Facebook and may be slow to load.
How is it when an individual allows an animal to freeze it’s considered animal cruelty but when a shelter operated under the jurisdiction of a sheriff’s department is involved it’s acceptable?

Fox 46 reporter Brett Baldeck reached out to the Chester County Sheriff’s Office. His call went unanswered. A petition has been started asking county council to build a better shelter for the unwanted animals in Chester County.
Need to get this out on national news! I think we need to get the word out what really goes on in these rural bubba run shelters. Animals are not property, but living things, and should be treated as such. This good ole boy mentality needs to change!!!!