Chillin’ Cats (video)

Chillin’ Cats…I enjoyed this. I don’t know if I am right to enjoy it but I did. I am not sure how the filmmaker got these placid cats to remain in the baskets except for the obvious reason; they enjoyed it. And why he or she decided to try this is another mystery but it works nicely.

3 thoughts on “Chillin’ Cats (video)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It made me chuckle. It is almost as if they are doped, they are so calm. I am sure my cat wouldn’t have lasted five seconds even if you could have got him into a basket.

  3. These look like the cats used to stack little pancakes or oranges on their heads. They are all over You Tube, especially around Christ mas.

    I think it’s a case of a relaxed, placid, bonded family, who have a human skilled in clicker training. You don’t to have use a clicker, any attention grabbing cue will work but the animal must see it.

    In the video it looks like the cats are expecting a reward and will soon be hopping out unless they are in receipt of a treat due

    It is a sweet little video. It is pleasurable to watch because the cats look fairly happy maybe?

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