by Pam

A silver fox. Animals who are skinned alive take up to ten minutes to die.

A silver fox. Animals who are skinned alive take up to ten minutes to die.

Please can you support a DOWNING STREET PETITION which is currently on the Downing Street site?

It's to ask the UK government to pressure the Chinese government to introduce animal welfare legislation. It is only up for a few weeks.

The sort of cruelty we are talking about includes
skinning animals for their fur WHILE STILL CONSCIOUS. Beating cats and dogs to death with clubs, as the stress 'makes their meat more tender. Placing animals in appalling conditions in meat markets. Feeding live animals to predators in zoos to entertain the general public!

There is evidence that the pressure is just beginning to have some effect. For example, the Chinese have had to introduce a new character to their language to say 'animal rights' because they got fed up with having to write a whole sentence every time this was mentioned.

I am sorry top upload a distressing picture, but I need to explain why we are doing this, and I am sure you will agree that it is even more distressing for the animal concerned. If you feel strongly about this treatment please support the petition at - link no longer works

You must be a British citizen or resident to sign. It doesn't take two minutes.

Please pass these details to as many friends as possible and ask them to sign.

Thank you

Thanks for this Pam. It is sickening. I will do all I can. Michael Admin

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May 24, 2012 THIS HAS TO STOP !!! NEW
by: Anonymous

I say go to hell with people, Many people believe god are idiots why would god create monsters and put them on a perfect world ?

Dec 12, 2011 stop!
by: adrianna baldwin

this is cruel! it has to be stopped!

Nov 15, 2011 how do you know
by: Anonymous

How do you know cats are going missing for fur, the local vet told me a record number of cats are missing here in Herne Bay?. Surely it is illegal in the uk.

yea this must be stopped.

Nov 07, 2011 in england
by: Anonymous

cats are being skinned in herne bay, kent for their fur, so its not just china who has no law, its england who does!!!

Oct 31, 2011 fur trade
by: susan clay

china make your country look a bad place two live how cruel are you lot you make me so sad

Sep 21, 2011 stop chinese fur trade farms
by: maggie guzman

hello my name is margarita guzman i am really interested in stopping this if anyone wants to help me do a campaign email me at

Jul 13, 2011 Why exculsively to British???
by: Anonymous

I care for these animals and this is terrible. If they think this is right they must've been dropped on their heads one too many times.

I'm American, so apparently, I'm "not eligible" to sign this petition. Congratulations, you just decreased the number of names that could be on your petition.

May 30, 2011 ery tymn56urfgg
by: Anonymous

stupid focking assholes in china and all of the other countries who kill, en torture animals! no animal disurves this!'i feel soooo sorry for those poor animals! i love them!

Apr 04, 2011 China animal
by: AnonymousBbb

Fuck chinese uyeck!!!!...

Dec 29, 2010 rise against the living
by: Anonymous

I am rising from nothing, I am no one. I will not have rais children and work from 9 to 5. I will not go about my day anymore and wishI could do something.I, we must band together, in droves and DO, not say, perhaps it will start as words, but it will finish with action. this is my first step to stop the mistreatment of animals, ones we eat, ones we love, all ones. I dont know what I am doing, and have noe idea how to begin, but this is a start, and I will need as many people, people who will stand up for the animals who cannot even stand in the cages they are packed into. try to change laws.
Dec 29 2010-

more then petitions, more then voices, to them,
we are the gods that havent forgoten them, if we can help.

I am starting my own group, and this is my first anouncmnt

Nov 19, 2010 welfare
by: Anonymous

what the hell is there problem. people who kill animals for there skin or for the hell of that are not human

Sep 24, 2010 fuck you cina
by: Anonymous

i hate china &japan and other contreys how kills animals

Aug 07, 2010 China
by: Anonymous

I have seen on youtube that some Chinese not only mistreat animals, they eat them alive, pouring hot oil on them while breathing, so horrible!

Apr 14, 2010 thats sad
by: mallisa

thats sad you should take the animals away!

Apr 14, 2010 thats sad
by: mallisa

thats sad you should take the animals away!

Feb 24, 2009 Government response
by: Anonymous

The government's pathetic mealy mouthed response can be seen here:

China Cruelty Response

Feb 01, 2009 I cant sign the petition
by: Anonymous

I wish it was open for people outside of the UK. That photo is horrific!

Nov 11, 2008 This is horrendous and things must change
by: Anonymous

This cruelty damages us all unless we do something about it. China has no animal welfare laws. This is outrageous in a modern world. What happened? How is it that China hasn't enacted the legislation?

China wants to modernize. It is relatively easy to create animal welfare legislation as there are some great models around. Sweden is one example.

I ask all visitors to sign the petition, please.


9 thoughts on “China Animal Welfare DOWNING STREET PETITION”

  1. Thanks for the comment and support. I think we have to criticize the Chinese sometimes on their animal welfare record. You can’t avoid it and it is not racist. It is simply criticizing the Chinese for appalling animal abuse. Plain and simple. I am afraid you cannot avoid it because the Chinese government do nothing about it.

  2. This is a shocking photo and something must be done to bring political pressure for change. However, some of the comments here disparaging Chinese and Japanese DO NOT help this cause and bring in unpleasant and unnecessary racist undertones that distract from it. Focus on the matter at hand – pressuring China into introducing animal welfare legislation.

    I wish I was a British citizen so I could add my signature to this petition. I will do my best to post the petition’s link at appropriate sites.

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