I’d like to see some cats at Christmas photos if at all possible 😉 . If you have one please upload it to a comment. I may be able to dish out a prize for the best one.
I don’t do Christmas! Hardly, anyway. I have booked a Christmas dinner with a friend at a pub! That is more or less it. I don’t have a Christmas tree so it’s a bit tricky to create a decent “Cat at Christmas” photograph.
I do have a well wrapped Christmas present, so all I can do to create a “Christmas cat picture” is to capture Gabriel with the present. The photo on this page is what I came up with.
However, there will be more attempts to come because I love photographing him 😉 .
Note: the marks leading from his eyes down his nose are not due to eye secretions. They are actual markings in the fur.
Although spending money is not necessarily a expression of love, generosity is a good way for a husband to keep a marriage on the rails.
‘Spending money is not necessarily a demonstration of love.’
To turn this inside out, is refusing to part with a thin dime on behalf of the ‘loved one’ a way to demonstrate love? ‘Tough love,’ perhaps?
Sidney’s ‘owner’ takes pride in declaring how much he loves him. Yet he allowed him to become infested with every parasite; denied him shelter during the winter winds and rain; and fed him cornmeal pellets whenever the thought crossed his mind – such as it is. Sid weighed seven pounds when he first came knocking at this door.
To date, he has cost @ $1,600, which breaks down into his food ($70.00 per month and generally more, seeing as how he refuses canned food that is less than extraordinarily pleasing to him); his $43.00 per month dietary supplements; his $28.00 per month cat litter; his Advantage; his vermifuge; his ear mite drops; his one vet bill to date; his new heating pad; his new snuggy-loo, fleece blankets, toys, etc. Although he is pet and massaged, played with and made much of every day, there isn’t the faintest stirring of love generating any of this. There’s only the resolve that he be spared the brand of love – if that’s what it is – that offers nothing but neglect.
Good advice, thanks Jo. The box in the picture is the present 😉 . It is empty….I thought about putting a box inside the box.
While we DO give presents to the cats (of course), yes, Michael, they wait eagerly for the boxes containing our presents to be unwrapped! They always seem to prefer those to their gifts.
But just as a reminder to all these great kitty lovers here to please be careful with ribbons, tree tinsel (don’t use it please) as they can be very harmful to cats who love to chew on them. That goes for wool and strings also!
You are a Santa Claus to cats. Very generous, Nancy.