Chocolate and lilac Abyssinians are now accepted for championship

by Susan Graham
(Atlanta, GA)

Helmi Flick Cat Photography  - photos copyright Helmi Flick

Helmi Flick Cat Photography – photos copyright Helmi Flick

In TICA and in GCCF, chocolate and lilac Abyssinians are now accepted for Championship status.

CFA does not accept them yet and may never accept them, on the basis that the colors came from another breed, the Burmese.

Susan Graham

Aksum Abyssinians

Home of the 2009 and 2010 TICA’s International Best Chocolate Abyssinian

Hi Susan…. Thanks for taking the time to update us.

I have added a link to your website.

Michael Avatar

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Chocolate and lilac Abyssinians are now accepted for championship

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Jan 09, 2011Chocolate and lilac Abys
by: Susan Graham

There are several breeders of the chocolates and lilacs, and most of them come from a Burmese in the 1970’s in the UK. The cross was done because Feline Leukemia was a big problem all over the world at that time. Nobody wanted to send their cats out for breeding to a stud that might kill their prized queen. So a breeder who had Burmese and Abyssinians bred two different breeds together to keep from inbreeding too much, when ordinarily she would have kept them separate.
Candy, in the photos above, is RW QGC Alexy Braeside Candytuft of Aksum, named after the first chocolate to be produced, Braeside Candytuft.
-Susan Graham
Aksum Abyssinians
Atlanta, GA USA

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