

by Denise Joyce
(Oslo, Norway)



Cilla is a pure breed Norwegian Forest cat and I have her now after searching for the cat that I really like..she is a Skoggkatt 🙂

Cilla's father is an EC show cat and her grand father and grandmother EC and IC show cats.

I bought Cilla from a breeder with a great heart for her cats but she could not keep Cilla so she has now another wonderful "servant" 🙂

I am so proud of her in how she is and how she behaves.

Cilla is now 18 months old


Hi Denise... Thanks for sharing. Cilla is a fantastic looking cat. It is nice to see a Norwegian Forest Cat living in her country of origin.

Michael Avatar

Cilla to Norwegian Forest Cat

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May 25, 2010
by: nida

Cilla is really a very beautiful cat. Her pose reminded me of my cat Fluffy. For reasons I don't know, that is the exact position, with his paw in the air, that he takes when asking to be fed.
Give Cilla a hug from Fluffy and me.

May 19, 2010
by: kathy

I was amazed by your cats beauty. She is geogous. I can imagine having such a beauty walking around in my house. She is also very big. I love her picture.

May 17, 2010
Holy moly...
by: Aubrey

Isn't she just gorgeous! I want to cuddle her. : )

May 16, 2010
by: Denise Joyce

Thanks for the sweet comments 🙂 and yes she is awesome sweet and beautifull in her colors!!
She so easy to handle..i shower her once a while..brush her teeths and do her fur she loves a lot too..
She has yes her pawn up and do that for attention..she also "kneading" with her front legs when she gets food from mothers breast ;)..standing and laying its so cute to see..
She happy then and that makes me more happy.
I will place some more pics later if possible


May 16, 2010
Norwegian princess
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Denise. What a princess she is. 'Skogkattar' look so great in tortie that it's almost a shame only the females can have those colours. 🙂

I wonder, it looks like she is tapping with her left paw. Our own 16 year old NFC Milly does just that when she wants to attract our attention.

Finn Frode avatar

May 16, 2010
Lovely Cat
by: Merrily

Denise, Cilla is a beautiful cat, I love the three colors on her tail.
Norwegian Forest cats are such sweet wonderful cats and the Torbie girls are one of my favorites.
Enjoy her!

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