Circus Animal Cruelty Continues to be Allowed in UK

The British government is dragging its feet over the banning of wild animals in zoos despite the generally held international view that the British public are animal lovers. We voted this government into power but they appear not to be carrying out the views of the electorate when it comes to zoo animals.

The British government has been under increased pressure to follow other countries in banning circus animals such as tigers and yet there are three circuses currently in Britain plying their trade using wild animals.

Bizarrely, a draft Bill designed to ban circus wild animals has been in existence for more than two years. In addition, there is cross-party support for new legislation. Yet, the government has failed to take action. Clearly they have de-prioritised this legislation which is also strange because David Cameron, the Prime Minister, has expressed a desire to assist the plight of Simi the tiger who was confiscated from a German circus two years ago.

Cameron has said he will help Simi by cutting through red tape which is delaying the transfer of Simi from a Belgian rescue organisation to an Isle of Wight zoo. Why is Cameron helping a German ex-circus tiger while allowing tigers in British zoos to remain in captivity and carted around the country to entertain the public in what most people see as an outdated and unsuitable form of entertainment in the 21st century?

Associated Matters:

A picture showing the moment when Tiaxana a rescued circus tiger touches grass for the first time his life..

Circus tiger's first touch of grass
Circus tiger’s first touch of grass

Tiaxana was rescued by the Black Jaguar White Jaguar Foundation from circus captivity and abuse. He had lost many of his teeth including his fangs. I suspect he was also declawed but I don’t have information about that or any other information for that matter.

Regarding British politics and this government, their policy on badger culling is, for me, barbaric and a waste of time and a waste of millions of pounds of taxpayer’s money. Thousands of badgers are being killed in the south of England to try and prevent TB (tuberculosis) spreading to cattle. As far I know there is little or no evidence to support badgers infecting with TB and little or no evidence that killing badgers will reduce TB in cattle.

Lastly, this government has declared their lack of interest in animal welfare by discussing the repeal of the fox hunting ban. Please God don’t let that happen. This government is under the cosh of the hunting/shooting/farming lot and they kowtow to their demands.

1 thought on “Circus Animal Cruelty Continues to be Allowed in UK”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly, especially sad about the Badgers, it’s so lovely to see one scurrying about, the British have a lot too answer for in their treatment of such a lovely and reclusive animal, they have had such a hard time for so long, and when it comes down to it they only want to be left alone to live their lives in peace, something we all desire.

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