Claude is an adoptable FeLV cat needing a home

I rescued Claude about two weeks ago, brought him home and immediately had him vaccinated. Then I scheduled him to be neutered, the vet called me and said he was positive for FeLV and that they wouldn't neuter him.

Then they offered to retest him which they did and it came back negative, I was elated. So they neutered him. Then they called me back and said the lab made a mistake and he was for sure positive. My heart sank.

I'm taking care of my 85 year old mother who has breast cancer and I have five other cats in my home. I love him so much already, and want to keep him but I just cannot.

I do want him to have a chance at being loved and living his life. Please if you know someone or would like to adopt Claude, get in touch with me.

My email is My phone is 661 943-7185.

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Claude is an adoptable FeLV cat needing a home

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Mar 05, 2012
I mixed FeLV+ with FeLV- too
by: Lynda

Thank you for keeping Claude, he's a lucky cat.

I fostered three kittens for a rescue and when they tested positive to FeLV knew I couldn't hand them over to be euthanized. My vet suggested that as my own cats were all adult cats who were past strays they would be naturally resistant to the virus. Of course, they all received their shots first. Two of the FeLV+ cats lived with my own cats for 7-10 years and not one of them became positive. In fact, my cats lived to 19, 20 and 23.

Dec 11, 2011
by: Michael

Dawn, you are a sweet women. Well done. I am so happy for Claude.

Dec 10, 2011
He is home
by: Dawn Stickel

Claude is no longer up for adoption. I am too attached to him, and could never let him go.

Oct 16, 2011
by: Dawn Stickel

Just one more week until my other cats get their booster Felv, then Claude can come out of seclusion. He's very healthy, and is extremely playful and loving.

Sep 18, 2011
by: Dawn Stickel

I'm going to need it. I have him secluded in our Pet Room, thank goodness I have a place for him. He seems to be doind ok.

Sep 17, 2011
A good woman, a good friend of cats, and compassionate.
by: Grahame

You are a good woman, a good friend of cats, and compassionate, Dawn. I salute you!

Sep 15, 2011
Good Luck
by: Michael

I wish you both the best of luck. I have connected this page to an FB group who might be able to help.

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