Clumping Litter Killed My Cat

by Claudette
(Etobicoke,Ont .Canada)

I had the pleasure of owning a British Shorthair Cat for 4 years. He was a real gentleman and very smart as well.

I have lost my cat to cancer, after switching my cat litter to clumping litter. My cat died 3 month after I switched to this new cat litter bought at Costco.

Please don’t buy any clumping cat litter, it can be a hazard to your cat.

My vet does not think that was the problem, but I know that was the problem. He was bringing up clay and particles of cat litter.

The good news is I will be getting a new cat around August and I will be using wood pellet, recommended by my breeder.

From a cat lover..Claudette

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Clumping Litter Killed My Cat

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Apr 21, 2012 Very sad NEW
by: Maggie

I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your cat! If only you could prove that the litter was what killed your cat, you may have been able to take legal action against the litter company! They are responsible for your poor cat’s death!

People need to be extremely careful when buying litter. You should always buy a high quality brand, that is harmless to cats when consumed. At the shelter we use organic clumping litter, it’s made out of corn, wheat, etc, so the cats can eat it, and there will be no negative effect. In fact, a lot of the cats enjoy eating it! It’s the only type of clumping litter I would ever use, other brands I would avoid at all costs! At home, I use a biodegradable, non toxic brand of recycled newspaper pellets, but I would like to change to a brand of wood chip litter. Unfortunately it has to be ordered interstate, so I can’t have it! Wood chip litter is good because it absorbs the urine, and controls the smell. But, we’ve realised that your cat liked to eat the litter, so make sure you’re confident that the wood chip litter you’re going to use is not toxic when consumed, to ensure that you don’t have a repeat of the same tragic incident.

Apr 21, 2012
Shocking NEW
by: Barbara

This is awful, your poor cat and poor you too, you must have been devastated. The worrying thing is that clumping cat litter is, in my opinion, all too readily available and cheap in supermarkets and discount shops, I think it is just about the cheapest form of cat litter so people on a low budget are going to choose it never thinking of the implications for their cat.The way Michael describes the effect on the cat is more than plausible. I hope you have many years of pleasure with your next cat, I’m just sorry that the last one had such a cruelly shortened life.

Barbara avatar

Apr 20, 2012 I can believe it NEW
by: Michael

Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.

I can believe this and it is disturbing. It is not hard to find a lot of websites discussing clumping litter causing cat health problems.

It is the dust that is ingested and the lungs are moist so the ingested clay substance expands etc. Sounds awful.

I think I will do a page on this tomorrow. I was not aware that the problem was that big.

Thanks again for bringing it to my notice.

2 thoughts on “Clumping Litter Killed My Cat”

  1. Yes it is very true that clay clumping cat litter can be deadly to your cats – especially young kittens! I am a breeder of the Munchkin/Napoleon breed and learned this lesson the hard way. One of our babies from our first litter of kittens suddenly became very ill around 5 wks old. The vet didn’t know what the cause was and advised me to “force feed” him via a syringe. He died on my chest during a feeding. Turns out he was ingesting the cat litter and it solidified in his stomach – like a concrete block! Even the dust from this clay can cause masses in the respiratory system as well! It’s horribly unhealthy for any animal!

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