Two women in Columbus County, North Carolina are banned from owning animals for the next six months after being charged with animal abandonment in September 2016. While this is a “dog article,” I feel it fitting to put on PoC, as this is what should happen to all of those found guilty of animal abandonment.

This case began in early September when Casey Duncan Gore, 35, and Gore’s spouse, Morgan Blaire Gore, 24, of Tabor City were charged with five counts each of animal abandonment and failure to vaccinate. Columbus County Animal Control Director Joey Prince obtained warrants on the two Tabor City residents.
Although their warrants and jail records listed the two women as living on Floyd Street, it’s said the home appeared abandoned. When Hurricane Hermine passed through on September 3 a limb fell from a tree into a dog pen and left an opening big enough for one of the dogs to escape.
Neighbors soon called in complaints and upon investigation by Taber City police, it was discovered five dogs were inside the pen without food and had only fetid water to drink.
It was determined by the courts that the two women are not allowed to own animals for six months. At that time they’ll return to court to see if they’ve held up their end of the agreement.
The Gores will also have probation requirements, fines, and community service.
While this is a short period of time for these women to be banned from pet ownership, it’s a step in the right direction. Most abusers only face a small fine.
Please keep comments on this case. It’s important to stick to this couple and not get off-topic, as it clogs up the comment section.
Sources 1 and 2
Note: I converted their photos to black and white because their skin was purple in the image found on WECT News.