The mission of Community Cats United, Inc (Trap-Neuter-Return community) is to globally engage those who dedicate themselves to the care taking of community cats and their efforts to promote community cat well being. The organization will celebrate their third anniversary on September 8 and would like community cat caregivers to join them in a fun and educational project.
Dubbed Community Cats United – Rocks, the idea is to spread the word of community cats in a fun and creative way. Find a rock and draw/paint a picture that you feel represents TNR. Please include their website somewhere on the rock. Once your rock or rocks are finished, take a photo of your rocks before placing them around your city for people to find. Then join their Facebook group and post your TNR Rocks here for all to see on their Facebook Trap-Neuter-Return Community page.
The vision of Community Cats United, Inc is to advance the status of community cats, uplift shelter medicine, encourage TNR, support their members in all areas of cat rescue and advocacy, and to reduce the number of community cats and ease the plight of unowned cats everywhere.
The organization respects and salutes the men and women who act as caretakers, assist in the sterilization, and advocate on behalf of these unhomed, beautiful creatures.
Donations can be made via their website and are tax deductible. A Facebook group has been created to promote the project.
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