There are some computer games in which the players have the opportunity to kill domestic cats. Is this sensible? Does it encourage the players to progress to killing real cats? Is there a connection between violence in computer games and violence in real life? It begs the question if violent films and television series can lead to the viewers becoming more violent. One study concluded: “Participants who viewed a violent movie clip later reported higher levels of state hostility than did those who viewed a nonviolent clip.”
The link between watching and doing violence is still a big discussion topic. One site (American Psychological Association) says:
Research by psychologists L. Rowell Huesmann, Leonard Eron, and others starting in the 1980s found that children who watched many hours of violence on television when they were in elementary school tended to show higher levels of aggressive behavior when they became teenagers.
It must depend a lot on the age of the person and how much they watch violent stuff and of course their mental state at the outset. I’d argue that there is a risk of a ‘vulnerable’ young man being encouraged to harm cats if they play Assassin’s Creed: Origins.

Years ago, I reported “an ill-conceived, disgusting concept for a gaming app which entails the gruesome killing of domestic cats. It should not be made.” – read about it by clicking on this link.
Two years ago, a member of posted this:
I hate cats. Crucify me. I don’t mistreat animals in real life it’s a game and I have dogs that I love. When I see a cat in Valhalla it always gets killed by me if it’s around me but I won’t chase one down on purpose lol. I also killed them in Origins even though the game told me not to. Go ahead and tell me I’m a psycho or whatever for playing a game. :p It’s funny that the game gives you materials for killing them too xD unlike Origins. But a dog? I could never. I’m biased. :p
The reaction from fellow Reddit users was that it was alright to enjoy killing cats in a computer game. It got me thinking. I checked out the other game he mentions: Assassin’s Creed: Origins. And there is a video of a warrior killing a cat. The guys playing the game are having fun and laughed when the cat was bludgeoned to death. The blood splashed out on the dusty road (see image above).
It looks all wrong to me. Yes, it is just a game. How many other computer games are there in which the players have the option to brutally kill a cat and get off their chest their frustration of not being able to do it in real life?
ChatGPT (AI computer) says this about any link between watching violence and doing violence
The relationship between exposure to violent media, such as films, and real-life violence is a complex and controversial issue that has been debated for decades. While some studies have found a correlation between watching violent films and increased aggression or desensitization to violence, other studies have found no significant link.
It is important to note that there are many factors that can influence a person’s behavior, including their upbringing, personality, social environment, and mental health. Therefore, it is difficult to definitively say that violent films directly cause individuals to become violent in real life.
Additionally, it is important to consider the context in which violent films are viewed. For example, watching a violent film with friends in a social setting may have a different effect than watching the same film alone in a dark room. The age and mental state of the viewer can also be important factors to consider.
Overall, while some evidence suggests a potential link between exposure to violent films and real-life violence, it is important to consider the limitations of these studies and to recognize that other factors may also be involved. It is ultimately up to individuals, parents, and society as a whole to make informed decisions about the types of media they consume and promote.
As for playing violent video games, ChatGPT said the following
Similar to the relationship between exposure to violent films and real-life violence, the relationship between playing violent video games and real violence is also a complex and controversial issue. While some studies have found a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression, desensitization to violence, and decreased empathy, other studies have found no significant link.
It is also worth noting that the majority of people who play violent video games do not engage in violent behavior in real life. Furthermore, some studies have suggested that playing violent video games may actually serve as a way for individuals to release their aggression in a safe and controlled environment, reducing the likelihood of violent behavior outside of the game.
Overall, while some evidence suggests a potential link between playing violent video games and real-life violence, it is important to consider the limitations of these studies and to recognize that other factors may also be involved. It is ultimately up to individuals, parents, and society as a whole to make informed decisions about the types of media they consume and promote.
Clearly the jury is out on whether playing games in which the player can be violent towards an animal will make them violent towards the same species animal in the real world. One study concluded: “Empirical evidence on this topic does not establish that viewing violent portrayals causes crime.” The same conclusion as others, which is the lack of hard evidence.
But let’s say there is a chance that it might. Shouldn’t we at least erase from the game the kind of gratuitous violence against a cat (or any animal) as seen in Origins? What’s the point of it?
First study referred to: Effects of violent movies and trait hostility on hostile feelings and aggressive thoughts. Link:;2-P
Second study referred to: Does viewing violent media really cause criminal violence? A methodological review. Link:
Fine. Each to their own. I believe that one day we will see the folly in creating tons of games and films which are violent because we will have found out that they do colour our behavior subtly and negatively.
I am neutral about the issue.
ALL unnecessary violence should be done and depicted. I blame no one for densentising people to violence against animals and people – especially Neanderthal men and hunters or domestic abusers in general.
ALL unnecessary violence should not be done or depicted. I blame America for densentising people to violence against animals and people – especially Neanderthal men and hunters or domestic abusers in general.