Conjunctivitis in a Kitten

Conjunctivitis in a Kitten

by Mary
(Gettysburg, Pa)

I took in a pregnant outdoor cat. She had her litter in my Fla. room. They were all beautiful and seemingly healthy and active. They are now 6 wks. old and 2 of them started with conjunctivitus (eyes sticking together).

Now I am finding watery yellow stools. I tried to get them to the vet Fri., but the were too booked and asked me to wait until Mon. Well now one of the kittens seems to be dying, barely holding on. We have no emergency vets in my area. I’m just beside myself.

Feline Eye Easy for Cat Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Feline Eye Easy for Cat Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
– $ 27.95
Effective herbal treatment for pink eye in cats. Treats and prevents eye infections. Stops pink eye from spreading to other cats.

Her gums are white and she is almost completely non responsive. I wrapped her up and put her in a cat carrier on a heating pad on low with a few towels on top of the pad. I feel so helpless……


Conjunctivitis in a Kitten to Cat Health Problems

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Conjunctivitis in a Kitten

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Aug 17, 2009 Ruth
by: Poorly kittens

I’m afraid Michael is right and this is very serious but only a vet can diagnose exactly what is wrong. I can’t believe how a vet could turn such ill kittens away, that is terrible and if I was you I’d change vets if you can.I don’t know where you live but in the UK there is always an emergency vet or at least a vet nurse you can talk to day or night and I’d think good vets everywhere would have this service.
I think you need to take the mother cat and all the other kittens for a check up when you take the poorly ones.
I’m so sorry for you that your kindness has turned out worrying you and costing you financially too.
(retired vet nurse)

Aug 17, 2009 Virus
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

I am not a vet but very concerned for your kitten who has conjunctivitis and watery stools. Referring to Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook (a very good book), the symptom of conjunctivitis in a kitten could be caused by the Feline herpes virus. Read about it here: Feline Herpes Virus (new window).

Watery stools is caused by the food passing through the intestine too quickly with impaired absorption (this is making your kitten weak plus the loss of fluids that need to be replaced quickly). This may be caused by acute enteritis (infectious diarrhea). This in turn may be caused by the parvovirus that produces feline panleukopenia. This is also called feline distemper. It is very serious I am afraid to say. I hope it is not this. Read more about it here: Feline Distemper Symptom

Either or both might be at play here. I feel bad and sad and wish you both good luck. Of course only a good veterinarian can diagnose and threat this illness. It is obviously urgent and serious.

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