Constantly Smiling Cats are an Accident of Anatomy

I guess we know it, although some cat caretakers might like to believe otherwise. Cats who have a constant smile are just made that way. It is an accident of anatomy.

Smiling cat an accident of anatomy
Smiling cat an accident of anatomy. Photo: ankakay on Flickr

That said, it does not mean that cats don’t smile inside, feel content or happy. But when we see a smiling cat it is an emotion that we see in the cat from the shape of his/her muzzle. Perhaps we want to see it.

However, we can tell by the overall appearance of a cat’s face and general demeanour when a cat is content or depressed or indeed anxious. It is there; the subtle changes in facial expression.

But I don’t believe cats smile like we do.

Some cat caretakers believe their cats are “clowns” constantly larking around having fun with a smile on their happy face. This is our interpretation of their behaviour. It is probably the human projecting her desire or emotions onto her cat.

But…perhaps I am being too unenlightened, too scientific. Perhaps cats do smile. What does your experience tell you?

31 thoughts on “Constantly Smiling Cats are an Accident of Anatomy”

  1. The mammies cars are always old bangers too lol but they don’t care as long as they have wheels that take them where they need to go. The last one they got, as they drove away from the garage the wheel nearly came off cos the lad hadn’t screwed it on right, we were glad their Guardian Angel was on duty that day. Our lad and me hate cars really cos they take us to the vets

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