A Raytown, Missouri cat is looking for a forever home after being dumped at an animal rescue on October 26. Although the persons responsible said they’d ‘found’ the cat, microchip information traced the owner back to the couple who had adopted him two years earlier.
The deception involving ‘Fall” began when a couple brought the cat in to Midwest Animal Resq claiming they had found him in Independence, Missouri. Due to a shelter agreement, they were told they’d need to take Fall to the Jackson County Regional Animal Shelter to surrender him.
Shelter manager Sydney Mollentine even provided the couple with a crate when she learned they didn’t have one. Instead of taking the cat to the Independence shelter, a video was captured on Midwest Animal Resq’s security camera last Saturday showing the couple leaving the cat on the sidewalk. Sydney stated during an interview with Fox4KC.com
“As they got into their car, they slid the box out onto the sidewalk and then drove off. Come to find it out was their cat. She said they agreed to do it, but didn’t follow through. After they left, I’m looking and I’m realizing these numbers are way too similar to not be related. So it’s not until after they had left and dumped the cat, and I’m going back over all the paperwork and realizing this was their cat.”
Mollentine said the couple brought in the cat and told her they found it in Independence. The rescue is unable to take in pets from Independence due to shelter agreements, so they told them they would need to take the cat to the Jackson County Regional Animal Shelter to surrender him.
Fall was brought back inside once he was found outside. The rescue is currently full. He’s currently in the care of Midwest Animal Resq while he waits to go back to Wayside Waifs where he was originally adopted from and where he most likely was microchipped.
“When you hear something like that, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s sad. To see an animal that left your facility into a hopefully forever home to then be treated like nothing and dumped on the side of the road. Somebody will love this cat so much because he’s such a sweet guy, and I know that he will get a good home with someone that will really love him and take care of him.”
The couple has been reported to the city for animal abandonment. Fall is now on the Wayside Waifs website and available for adoption for $50.
This case of abandonment goes to show that not only can a microchip reunite a cat with a good owner who is missing it terribly, it can also identify a bad owner who breaks the law when a cat is abandoned (even if it IS abandoned outside a shelter).