Craigslist’s policy of a small adoption fee for rehoming cats not good enough

Craigslist allows people to advertise a kitten for adoption provided there is a “small adoption fee“. In order to comply with the policy cat owners demand about $5-50 dollars.

Class B dealers in the US are licensed to purchase and sell animals for research. Most deal with other dealers, it seems to me. The key point is that Class B dealers sell random source young dogs for $325-$350. They sell purpose bred dogs for $600-$900¹.

The way I see it, the mark up is enormous and it would make economical sense for a Class B dealer to buy cats advertised on Craigslist.

As a result, I have decided that Craigslist’s policy on advertising cats and dogs does not prevent the wrong people approaching advertisers.

Here is a screenshot of LA Craigslist today. It is just a sample of 168 adverts in total:

Craigslist cats and kittens for sale

Unless I have missed the point, Craigslist is still a market place for the sale of cats, kittens and dogs to dealers where they can pick up cheap cats. Also snake owners would be prepared to pay $20 for a kitten to feed their snake. That’s what I think.

It isn’t good enough Craigslist. Sorry. The policy should be a complete ban on pets as it is the only way to prevent the wrong sort of Craigslist buyer.



3 thoughts on “Craigslist’s policy of a small adoption fee for rehoming cats not good enough”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Do you think that the benefits – i.e.: adoption successes on craigslist are of substantial amount? I think it’s a hard choice. I would prefer to see no pets on there but then I know alot of people successfully have adopted from there, people that I know or know of, in the past. It’s a hard one.

  3. No it isn’t good enough, you are right Michael, Craiglist shouldn’t advertise pets at all!
    It’s a frightening thought how any Tom, Dick or Harry can get hold of a vulnerable animal, it needs to be stopped!

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