The above picture was taken in the USA in 2008-9 approximately.
This is me today August 2017 (older etc.):-

Regarding the top photo this is me with RW, SGC Magnacats Jack Black (the link leads to a v.large format photo) a champion Maine Coon cat. The breeder and owner is Carol Campbell. Photograph ©copyright Helmi Flick.
If you would like to know a bit about the person who built this website please read on.
I am a retired Solicitor who practiced divorce and general law. I am 68-years-of-age as at August 2017. I live in Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, England. Before practicing as a locum solicitor, I worked in a number of businesses including photofinishing and, yes, there were other jobs including working as a freelance photographer illustrating articles on well-known personalities. This was mainly photojournalistic portrait photography and my first form of self-employment.
Having retired from law work in 2005, I decided to keep myself focused by building a website that could earn money to improve the lives of cats on an international level. This has been a rewarding challenge the result of which is this website, which is constantly under construction. The site is doing quite well. At early 2009, it has about 8,000 visitors per day, including the sub-domains. Update April 2010: 11,000 unques per day on PoC and about 2,000 on the blog is the usual. But things change as always. Update Oct 2010: 14,000 uniques per day, sometimes, but this fluctuates! Update June 2017: struggling more these days because older sites are harder to maintain. In total getting around 4k page views per day but sometimes 7k. Recently the site got 57k pageviews in a 24-hour period thanks to one post by Elisa who writes for the site. She shares in the advertising revenue. She specialises in cat rescue.

Update Jan 24, 2022: achieving 12,000 pageviews per day. I am pleased and I have improved my relationship with Google Adsense so I am making much on advertising. Here is more recent picture of Gabby:

I love animals. Having a great interest in wildlife and conservation, I am painfully aware of the gradual erosion of wild cat habitat and other negative impacts by increased human activity. I believe that not enough emphasis is being placed on this. I am also aware of the difficult lives of domestic cats in many parts of the world. This site discusses this on a number of levels.
I have kept cats for many years. They have always been moggies, cats that have come to me. My favorite cat is the one who comes to me and quietly asks for help. I lived with Binnie, Charlie and Michelle. Binnie was a female tuxedo cat, 18 years of age (at Oct 2010), who I found hiding under a parked car on a cold November night in London’s Notting Hill Gate, where I lived at the time. Update: Binnie has passed on to a better place. Greatly missed. She had a long and good life.
We had a frequent visitor, a tuxedo male stray cat who comes and goes as he pleases, who we named Timmy. I prefer cats to dogs because, like cats I am independently minded and decidedly not a pack animal. Charlie is a three legged cat.
![]() Binnie | ![]() Charlie |
My current cat companion (June 2017) is Gabriel, a spotted tabby who I raised from kittenhood when he was a feral cat. I continue to have an interest in photography and I have always liked to play and watch sport.

I am pleased to be the creator of Pictures of cats org. I hope that you enjoy the website. There is lots more to do for the love and welfare of the domestic and wild cats of the world. And initially I couldn’t have done it without Helmi and Ken Flick but the site has developed and moved on.
Here I am with Helmi:

Photograph by Ken Flick
About the photograph of me and Jack Black heading this page: This was taken by Helmi at the Waxahachie cat show on 22nd-23rd Nov.2008. Waxahachie is in Texas about 50 kms south of Dallas.
If anyone wants to contact me personally, to discuss joining with me in being an internet voice for the cat, including the wildcat, here are some details at March 30th 2017:
Tel: 0208 546 8126 — If calling internationally the number from the USA (as an example) would be 011 44 208 546 8126. MY PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT My mobile: 07767311041 using text message.
Address: 14 Aragon Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, England, UK, KT2 5QE.
Email: mjbmeister[at]gmail.com (the @ has been changed as email addresses can be hijacked. Please convert [at] to @)
Ethos – purpose of this site

The purpose of this website, pictures of cats.org, is to present the best cat pictures and information, improve cat welfare and to make money. Some of the money is spent on improving the welfare of cats. Please note that this is a long-term project and some monies are routinely held back for future large investments to the site to make it the best.
I have chosen a variety of charities and I constantly review things. You can See the donations here. One of my favorites is Texas Maine Coon Rescue. Things change and evolve, of course.
The goal of this site is to provide the finest pictures of cats supported by carefully researched facts and fair comment. These are my views.
Both wild and domestic cats are vulnerable to the activities of the humans, who came to this world many millions of years after the wild cat was here.
My favourite cat is the vulnerable stray cat, who comes to me and in presenting him/herself to me silently asks for help.
Enjoy Pictures of Cats and live harmoniously with our more vulnerable fellow creatures.
Sure, no problem. If you can give a credit that would be nice and good luck with your studies.
would it be possible to print off one of your cat skeleton for the coursework I’m teaching as an example of what the bones look like, please
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