Cruel !!! PERIOD!!!

It is cruel to breed a cat, an animal that loves to jump and run, with such short legs.

This should be illegal and those who breed them must not have a heart. Why would you create an animal that could have such potential health problems and that is so deformed that it can not do the things a normal cat can do.

Breeding all together is something that too often cause the animal to suffer. People are too greedy, they can care less about the animal.

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Cruel !!! PERIOD!!!

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Feb 20, 2012
by: Jeff

Yes, breeding daSCHunds, corgis and basset hounds is cruel.
About achondroplasia, it is not cruel for them to mate, nobody is talking about naturally occurring munchkin cats, we’re talking about cats that have been manipulated by selective breeding to have limitations.
It is a “NATURAL” mutation, but it has been manipulated, just like other dog and cat breeds. Do your research yourself.
Nobody is saying they’re ugly and unhappy, I’m sure if they’re in a loving home, they will be fine. I’m not against munchkins, I’m against munchkin breeders.

Dec 11, 2010
Cruel? Take a look around at breeding history!
by: SB

So breeding dachshunds, corgis, and basset hounds must be cruel too. How do you think these dog breeds developed? By breeding an anomaly (a short legged puppy) in a litter of German Shorthaired Pointers or other breeds, etc.

Would you consider it cruel for two people with Achondroplasia dwarfism to mate because it could result in children with Achondroplasia dwarfism?

This is considered a NATURAL mutation. Just like the Scottish Fold, who is a cat born with no cartilage in its ears.

To get a purebred Persian, you have to breed a Persian with a Persian. Munchkin cats are healthy because they are bred with other long legged cats from a variety of breeds. They are probably healthier than many breeds because of their variety. Only part of the litter is Munchkin. Just like any breed, they should not be inbred to avoid serious diseases.

They run, jump, play, and are not disabled at all. They don’t even have spinal problems that short legged dogs do.

Before you cry foul, do your research.

and FYI, I have a high-off-the-floor queen bed, and my Munchkin kitten of 7 months just jumped up here with no problems. He’s now cuddling and purring. Sounds normal to me.

Oct 28, 2009
Dwarf Cats

you people have no idea what you are talking about unless you have a dwarf cat you have no idea what they are like. they are just like anyother cat they play they hunt my cat can actually run faster than most cats because of her bigger back legs as well as jump higher so dont be coming on here and saying things that you dont even have a clue about.

Oct 28, 2009
Dwarf Cats
by: Zebear

I have a dwarf cat that was born out of a litter of four, the other three cats are normal with just Zebear being dwarf. While her front legs are shorter and she has rabbit like back legs she is in no way disabled. She is able to do everything the other cats do and is actually faster than them. She is also able to hunt better than the other cats, as she can get into smaller places. I have no intention on breeding her and like I said she was born out of a normal litter, the vet has said that she is fine and has no other disability than having shorter front legs. She is very loving and affectionate and holds her own just fine with the other cats, so what would be cruel to have had her put down because she has shorter legs in the front, or perhaps because she might have a back problem, later in life? You should perhaps think before you write things, unless you yourself are in the position. Our dwarf cat, while not planned, is very much loved, very healthy, and quite capable of functioning like any other cat. Perhaps you also think that dwarf people are cruel???

Oct 24, 2009
not all of us who have these little beauties have breed them or even bought them.
by: Anonymous

My little girl was free off of craigslist. Her momma was a stray. I had now idea that i was getting a little dwarf kitty. And I will not breed her, but she is too small and does not weigh enough to get fixed.

Oct 20, 2009
I disagree with this practice!
by: Cristine

Is horrible what people can do for money… They don’t think that a cat want and need their normal front legs, to really live as a feline.

I hate people that using animals to make fame or money!

People can use their wisdom and time, to make more necessary scientific research.

Jul 07, 2009
What a horrible ignorance!
by: Anonymous

You, people, obviously have no clew what you are talking about! Adopt yourself a Munchkin or another shortlegged kitty and then you will know that in no way the cat is suffering. Munchkins can run faster than normal cats and they manoeuvre way better around corners and tight spaces. They can jump and climb just fine and have no problem getting wherever they want to get. They are happy friendly healthy cats.

There are no known health defects in them (compare that to a severely inbred Persian cats if you want to feel sorry for someone). The very rare cases of protruding back disorder is not proven to be linked to the dwarf genetics of Munchkins and can occur in other breeds as well. But like I said it is extremely rare. The dwarf gen is a naturally occuring mutation so again it was nature that created that cat, not people.

There are plenty of shortlegged dog breeds and no one is complaining about them suffering or it being cruel! Breeding is a labor of love and it is pretty much impossible to make money on that, so most breeders do it purely for the love of animals and pleasure of having little babies (kittens or puppies) around.

May 22, 2009
Response to last comment
by: Anonymous

i strongly despise dwarf cats because they will have internal problems later in their life. they are cute but it is unnatural for cats to have a big body and small legs. that is just mean to the cats. they can’t jump well or run well.

May 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

i agree with you. all cats are natural born runners and jumpers. they deserve to have long legs.

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