Cruelty Inside Product Testing Lab
by Gary Allen
(Nanaimo, BC Canada)
Dear Elisa,
I have a kitten who’s become my best friend. I have seen the story and video from The Product Testing Lab. It fills me with anger outrage and disgust for the companies and the people who work for them treating animals as cruel and inhumane as I saw them doing.
Those staff members in the video..where do horrible uncaring and disgusting people like them come from? And since these animal labs exist why do they have the most awful animal hating people work for them?
I don’t know where these type of people come from but to mistreat animals like they do they have to be depraved.
I hope that ALL of these labs are abolished for all time and never again be allowed to exist. I also have to question the vets that visit these labs and allow such abuse to go on,I feel these vets are a disgrace to the profession.
Gary Allen
{Note: this is an online letter in the form of a short post from Gary to Elisa Black-Taylor in reference to an article written by Elisa}