Who should own Rally Cat and why? People are divided on who should adopt the little cat who went viral August 9 when he ran across the field at Busch Stadium during a St. Louis Cardinals game. That story was covered here on PoC.
Rally Cat was safely recovered the next morning and placed in the care of St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach. He’s been under a 10-day bite quarantine since grounds crew member Lucas Hackmann caught the little stray cat and received minor injuries.
St. Louis Cardinals statement made by VP of communications Ron Watermon
“The St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach organization has assured us they will be returning our cat to us after a mandatory 10-day quarantine period. It is personally hurtful to me, irresponsible and, frankly, childish. There is no need for the organization to personally attack me for doing my job”
The team is anxious to adopt their good luck charm So much so that they’ve been accused of bullying by St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach.
St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach statement posted on Facebook
“It was a disappointment to STLFCO and many of our friends and fans to read the Cardinal’s PR Head Ron Watermon’s comments to the media concerning Rally. It was a totally false statement that STLFCO has committed anything to the Cardinals. We have made no decisions about Rally’s long-term placement. It seems inconsistent with “The Cardinals Way” to make such false statements.
We have neither the PR staff nor the skilled volunteers to engage in a media dialog with Mr. Watermon’s old-school PR tactics, so this note will be all we have to say on his position. Mr. Watermon’s perceived bullying tactics shocked us.”
A meeting to not only help Rally Cat but also to help feral and community cats
Since the majority of the volunteers for St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach have full-time jobs, commitments, and other obligations the first opportunity to meet with team management will be later this month. The Outreach hopes to use the opportunity to discuss the issue of feral and community cats and get the St. Louis Cardinals on board to help with a solution.
Everyone wants what’s best for Rally Cat. Should the team be allowed to adopt him, or should St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach find him a forever home? You can vote here to express your opinion and please leave a comment below as to where you’d prefer this little kitty to end up.
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I agree that the needs of Rally should come first. If he is truly feral, I don’t think the publicity and the crazy antics of humans would be in his best interest. I have 4 true ferals living with me at this time. The reason I don’t let them out is that all four are totally deaf and 2 were rescued as kittens, one found his way to my house and ventured into the laundry room, and one came from a friend in another town who had to sell his home and didn’t want to let the little girl loose. Over the years, they have adjusted well to indoor living. I respect their opinions and they will come up to me for an ear rub or two.
We don’t really know the qualifications of any players to care for a cat, let alone a feral cat, whose needs go beyond those of a domesticated cat. To imagine that an entire team would care for a cat seems highly improbable. Where would the cat live? Who would be financially responsible? Who would ultimately be responsible?
The positive benefit of this event would mean that the team could “play” a role in supporting the endeavors of St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach.
Each member could “adopt a feral” by providing financial support to help the organization find suitable homes.
It could be a great PR move to benefit the team and the cats.