Daddy cat shown happily helping mother cat raise their little family

This is the story of a cat daddy in Vietnam who took his role as a parent seriously. Now he’s helping mama cat raise the litter he’s responsible for and his story is quickly going viral on social media since the story was posted on Facebook by Thuy Duong Panda.

Yello snuggling with his new family (Thuy Duong Panda)

Yello and Tam are the proud parents of four healthy newborn kittens. This is their first litter and so far they’re doing well raising their new family. Yello even stayed next to Tam during the birthing process, refusing to leave her side.

Thuy Duong Panda, whom I believe must be the owner of the family, reported Yello isn’t always a sweet kitty. He loves her, her dog and his new adorable cat family.

Here are a few photos of them snuggling together. Hopefully, she’ll see the light and have everyone spayed and neutered. Still, it’s a heartwarming sight to see a daddy cat tending to his own. This snuggle boy will give mama kitty a break when she’s not nursing.

What a sweet family!


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