Davey The Boss!

Davey The Boss!

by Jayne Michele Pacitto
(Nuneaton, Warwickshire, Engand)

Davey The Boss!

Davey The Boss!

Upon telling you all about my cat 'Mikey' being the King, here is our 'Davey' his twin brother, being 'The Boss'.

Davey is the more quieter type than Mikey, less vocal and more aloof!!

Davey claims the bathroom mats, always pulling them from off the side of the baths so he can sit on them, along with warming the pillows on the beds and sometimes disappearing for hours, (even a day or two once!) causing me to roam the streets calling his name!

Even though Mikey is the King, Davey is the Boss! When I feed them, it is always Mikey there first, but then along comes Davey and without even a meow Mikey will stop eating from one dish, move over and let Davey eat! Davey doesn't blink an eye! It's as if this is what one expects to be done!

Davey's coat is not so long and fluffy as Mikey and his tail is not curled up over his back either! Davey has a more serious look about him, he is the Boss, and he will only ever do what he wants, when he wants!

Davey will play with Mikey alot. They roll around the floors together, chase each other up and down the stairs and wrestle each other regular, but they never so much as make a slight meow when acting out these elaborate battles!!!

Davey The Boss!


Davey The Boss! to Maine Coon Cats

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Davey The Boss!

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Apr 09, 2010 Thanks!
by: Jayne Michele Pacitto

Thanks, for your lovely comments on Davey and Mikey, I will pass them on to the 'Boys'!!!

So nice to hear about others cats too, very interesting and funny too!

Jayne x

Apr 04, 2010 The bosses!
by: Tracey

Hi Jayne

Both of you cats are lovely and just as Michael says Davey has a very unusual face. He looks as though his had his face buried in his food for a little too long and he's got stained!

No offence meant of course as he's adorable!

Its lovely that they play togeather too.

My cats love to chase each other as well. Alfie gives the signal; a high pitched peacock type of call and Ozzie responds by chasing him up the stairs!

Apr 04, 2010 Davey
by: Ruth

Davey is beautiful too ! What a pair of characters you have Jayne and they have certainly sorted out who is 'the boss'
Our boyz Walter and Jozef never have since our old cat Ebony who was 'the boss' died 3 years ago,they seem to 'job share' lol and that's very unusual for cats.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Apr 03, 2010 Interesting Colouration
by: Michael

I think Davey has interesting colouration around the nose and on the muzzle. It looks a bit like some wild cat hybrids that I see a lot on this site.

He is very handsome and in charge...Thanks for showing him to us.

Michael Avatar

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